Averyauna Enoch

Averyauna Enoch Murders Cali Anderson

Averyauna Enoch and her ex husband Tyler Anderson are two killers who were convicted of the murder of five year old Cali Anderson

According to court documents Averyauna Enoch and her ex husband Tyler Anderson would starve to death five year old Cali Anderson. The little girl weighed only sixteen pounds at five years old. After her death the so called parents would stick the body of their child into a storage container

Averyauna Enoch and Tyler Anderson would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to life in prison

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Averyauna Enoch Case

For Cali Anderson’s family her death has been inexplicable, painful, and heartbreaking.

“I wouldn’t wish this on any child, and it’s sad that it had to be my niece,” said Travis Parks, Cali’s uncle.

Travis and mom Sabrina were in the courtroom for some of the most disturbing aspects of the Averyauna Enoch Case.

Enoch was found guilty of starving to death’s five-year- old Cali Anderson. Cali was Enoch’s stepdaughter. According to testimony while it appeared Enoch embraced the role, visits to Tyler’s family celebrations became fewer and far between. According to Cali’s grandmother Donna Howard she often asked Averyauna if she could take care of Cali. Those offers were refused.

“Averyauna wouldn’t let anyone have her, Howard told the jury. “…she damaged her because everyone would know what she was doing,” said Howard.

Travis and his mother like the jury, saw the gruesome autopsy pictures where the five-year-old weighed only 16 pounds.

“Our family seen what Averyauna was doing,” said Travis. “And you know use to ask her, ask Cali, you know mom or stepmom hitting you? Or is she treating you bad? She wasn’t talking but, she would nod her head,” said Travis.

According to the investigation Averyauna kept Cali and her two sons isolated in a Reno apartment. On some documents Averyauna and her then husband would list the little girl. On others Cali would not be mentioned.

Prosecutors told the jury Cali was kept for a time handcuffed to a dog cage in the bathroom.

Averyuana was not only found guilty of first-degree murder, she also helped her husband dispose of Cali once Cali sucumb to malnutrition. The five-year-old was found in a storage locker on May 14, 2018 in Sacramento stuffed in a duffel bag.

For many reasons District Attorney Chris Hicks had hoped for life without parole for Averyauna Enoch.

“It was a merciless death. Disrespectful. Horrible. Torturous. It’s as bad as they come,” he said. As for Averyauna her reaction to the verdict and the sentencing looked much like her reaction as she walked down the hallway handcuffed—no reaction at all.

he did speak to the jury before sentencing saying quote: “I want you guys to know, I loved Cali, not in the past tense, that will never change.” She later said, “The incident was not planned, it wasn’t done on purpose.”

Her former husband Tyler pleaded out to second degree murder in this case. His sentence is slated for later this year.

He too faces life with the possibility of parole. ,

AUG. 6 3:50 P.M. A Washoe District Court jury has sentenced Averyauna Enoch to life in prison with a chance of parole for the starvation murder of Cali Aderson, her stepdaughter, in 2018.

AUG. 5, 5 P.M. Jurors listened to criminologists who processed the storage unit where five-year-old Cali Anderson was found stuffed in a duffel bag. They heard from detectives who were trying to find out what exactly happened to Averyauna Enoch’s stepdaughter. They viewed gruesome autopsy photos of the little girl, starved and nothing but skin over bones.

On Thursday, after about five hours of deliberations, that same jury convicted Enoch of first-degree murder, child endangerment resulting in death, and destruction of evidence.

Prosecutor Kelly Kossow told the jury in her closing arguments Enoch and her then-husband Tyler Anderson worked together in not only starving Cali Anderson, but rented a UHAUL van, disposed of the body at a Sacramento Storage unit, and then made plans to separate, and leave their apartment in Reno where the crime took place.

She said the little girl was kept in a dog cage and handcuffed. Investigators suspected that Cali died on April 26, 2018 of malnutrition. The couple stored Cali’s body in the apartment, until they moved it May 11th.

Tyler Anderson was arrested May 16 with lighter fluid and sticks in the car. It was suspected he was going back to the storage unit to burn the body.

In May of this year, he took a plea bargain and was convicted of second-degree murder. Kossow told the jury both Tyler and Averyauna are guilty of the torture and murder of five-year-old Cali Anderson.

In crimes like this here in Nevada, the defendant can select if he or she wants the jury or judge to impose a sentence. Enoch chose the jury.

Sentencing hearings begin Friday morning August 5, 2021.

AUG. 5, 2:50 P.M. Averyauna Enoch has been found guilty of first degree murder in the death of 5-year-old Cali Anderson, her stepdaughter, a Washoe District Court jury decided Thursday.

Enoch is also guilty of child neglect resulting in death and of destruction of evidence.

The jury found Enoch starved her stepdaughter to death. The child’s body was found on May 15, 2018.

AUGUST 3: Late last week the jury watched a four-hour taped interview of accused murderer Averyauna Enoch with Reno Police detectives. She agreed to go down to the police station after investigators served a search warrant at the apartment where she, her husband Tyler, her two sons, and her stepdaughter Cali lived.

The interview took place on May 16, 2018. Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Melissa Piasecki watched the interview too.

Today Dr. Piasecki took the stand as the first defense witness in the Averyauna Enoch trial. Through that interview, along with medical records and interviews with the defendant, Dr. Piasecki told the jury Enoch suffers from depression, anxiety, unspecified psychosis, and schizophrenia. Dr. Piasecki testified Enoch’s depression prevented her from daily tasks including grocery shopping and taking care of her kids. Piasecki says Enoch suffered from child abuse and childhood adversity. The psychiatrist said the defendant told her she used cocaine and marijuana as an adult.

While Enoch is taking anti-depression medication as well as medication for post traumatic stress, she was not on mediation at the time of 5-year old Cali Anderson’s death.

According to Dr. Piasecki, Enoch did not want to hurt her stepdaughter. She said her viewing of the interview with police shows a woman who is sad and tearful about the death of Cali.

The psychiatrist says Enoch didn’t seek help for Cali because her husband at the time had guardianship of Cali, and Enoch had no medical card for the child.

Enoch is accused of starving her stepdaughter to death, and then helping dispose of the body.

Dr. Piasecki will be cross examined by the prosecution tomorrow morning Wednesday August 3, 2021.

JULY 30: By all accounts Averyauna Enoch was cooperative with police when they served her with a search warrant at an apartment on Harvard Way. She agreed to talk with them down at the Reno Police Station.

Reno Police detectives taped the interview with Enoch just one day after Enoch’s five-year-old stepdaughter was found dead in a Sacramento storage unit.

Jurors in Enoch’s trial watched that four-hour interview in court today.

On May 16, 2018, Enoch sat curled up in a couch at the police station while talking to investigators. She talked about her three children. She said they were everything to her. When asked where five-year-old Cali Anderson was, Enoch said she didn’t know. Cali had been missing for five days. Later in the interview she told investigators Cali was with Tyler’s people. Tyler Anderson was he husband at the time.

But once detective confronted Enoch about what was discovered in the storage locker, Enoch admitted Cali had died. On the recorded interview she told detectives Cali had stopped eating. She said one morning she went into the child’s bedroom and Cali was unresponsive. Enoch told investigators she and her husband tried to revive Cali, but those efforts failed. That’s when Enoch says her husband put Cali in a duffel bag.

The couple later rented a UHAUL van and took the body down to the Sacramento storage unit.

Enoch is suspected of torturing the five-year-old by starving her to death.

Enoch faces murder, child endangerment resulting in death, and obstruction charges.

Court resumes Monday on August 2, in Washoe District Courtroom Department 1.

JULY 29: A Reno Police detective tapped into Averyuana Enoch’s cell phone and iPad to see what kind of communication she had with her husband before or after the death of Cali Anderson.

Detective Josh Watson is a forensic computer specialist. He told the jury today, he was able to pull text messages, emails and videos from both of Enoch’s devices, as well as Tyler Anderson’s cell phone.

Some of the texts between the two were romantic in nature. Others, however, show Enoch’s parenting approach to her five-year-old stepdaughter. On September 15, 2016 she texted her husband saying she caught her stepdaughter “playing.” She continued with the text writing quote: “When you get home, we’ll whip her little butt.”

Enoch also used her cell phone to video her disciplining Cali by telling Cali to stand and face a corner as Cali holds her arms up in the air.

On Enoch’s iPad, Detective Watson says he found searches on April 28,2018 for acid, liquids that deteriorate, and storage units.

Averyauna Enoch is accused of starving to death her five-year-old stepdaughter Cali Anderson. Prosecutors say she helped her husband dispose of the emaciated body by stuffing it into a duffel bag and storing that body in a Sacramento Storage Unit.

Cali’s body was discovered May 15, 2018.

JULY 28: Reno Police homicide detective Ben Rhodes continued his testimony today in the Averyauna Enoch case.

noch is accused of starving to death her five-year-old stepdaughter Cali Anderson.

Rhodes told the jury, after serving a search warrant on the family apartment, he discovered a large dog cage inside the apartment’s second bathroom. Alongside the cage, a pair of handcuffs. Rhodes testified he saw no dog on the family premises. There was a dog food canister in the bathroom with little food inside the container he said. He told the jury there was also a dog collar in the medicine cabinet.

Also, in the bathroom, in an empty bathtub, a backpack with little girl’s items in it. In cross examination he said he did not touch the cage with broken bars, nor did he handle the handcuffs. He said he left evidence collection to the criminologists on scene.

Later in the day, Averyauna Enoch’s friend Jayla Young-Riley testified.

She told the jury she’d known Enoch since 4th grade and the two went through high school together. She said she reconnected with her friend when Enoch moved to Woodland with her then husband Tyler Anderson, Cali, and the couple’s son Tyrel. She testified Enoch and Cali’s biological mother did not get along, and she felt Enoch treated Cali differently than Tyrel because of that animosity.

Young-Riley said she visited the couple when the Andersons moved to Reno.

In December of 2017 she said, she stayed at the couple’s apartment. During her two day visit she said she never saw five-year-old Cali. She said Enoch told her the girl was at 24-hour daycare. She said Tyrel and the couple’s newest baby Tytan were in the apartment which she described as pristine. She says her impressions of the apartment did not match pictures taken at the time the search warrant was served. Detective Rhodes described the living conditions then as “filthy.”

During her stay Young-Riley testified Enoch told her not to go into the second bathroom claiming they had a vicious dog. Later she says Tyler Anderson prevented her from going into the second bathroom.

Upon hearing about the homicide investigation involving five-year-old Cali Anderson, Young-Riley told the jury she called Sacramento Police in May of 2018.

She testified, upon hearing the news, she reflected on her Reno visit and told the jury, “how weird it was I couldn’t go in the bathroom.”

JULY 27: A Sacramento criminologist took the stand today in the Averyauna Enoch Trial in Washoe District Court. Enoch is accused of torturing her stepdaughter Cali Anderson. Prosecutors say she starved the five-year-old and then helped dispose of the body in a Sacramento storage unit. Anderson’s body was found stuffed in a duffel bag.

Sacramento criminologist Ryan Nickel says he swabbed the duffel bag’s shoulder strap and zipper pulls looking for contact DNA. He testified such results could indicate who handled the bag when the five-year-old’s body was put inside.

On cross examination by the defense, Nickel admitted the results might only indicate if a person handled the bag long before a body was placed in it. Nickel said he simply took the samples. Those samples have been processed by another lab.

Late in the afternoon a detective who helped investigate the murder of Cali Anderson testified the Reno apartment she lived in back in 2018 was quote: Filthy. Homicide detective Ben Rhodes says he entered the apartment on May 16, 2018 with a search warrant.

Pictures presented to the jury showed a cluttered apartment. Clothes and other items were strewn across the floor. A mattress was situated in the living room. In the kitchen, dirty dished in the sink and counter. The floor had food and dirt ground into it. There was not a great deal of food in the cabinets and in the refrigerator more condiments than fruits or vegetables. Earlier in the day the jury learned Enoch was part of the W.I.C. Program.

Rhodes told the jury he was looking for the existence of five-year old Cali like young girl’s clothing, hair clips, and certain toys.

Ironically Detective Rhodes says he found documentation on the kitchen counter of Enoch having taken or interested in childhood development classes.

JULY 26: Witnesses from Reno were called to the stand in the Averyauna Enoch trial underway in Washoe District Court.

Enoch is accused of killing her five-year-old stepdaughter Cali Anderson and helping dispose of the body. The little girl was found dead in a duffel bag in a storage unit in Sacramento on May 15, 2018.

On the stand today, two UHAUL employees who told the jury, Enoch’s husband at the time, Tyler Anderson, rented a van on May 10, 2018. In surveillance video, Enoch and Anderson are seen at the counter renting a van on that date.

Brent Wetteland testified Anderson returned the van on May 12, 2018. Wetteland told the jury Anderson told him the additional miles on the van were due to a trip taken to Sacramento. Wetteland said the smell emitting from the back of the van was unbearable, something he said, he would never forget. He said there was white powder left behind along with some fluid in the van. He said he had difficulty removing the material from the vehicle if at all.

Earlier in the day Savanna Wimer took the stand. As a former manager of the Brooktree Apartments, she said she rented the 800 square foot apartment to the Anderson’s back in July 2017. Wimer told the jury even though the couple placed their children on the rental agreement, she rarely, if at all saw all of them. In the limited exchange she had with the Andersons, Wimer told the jury she never saw a child fitting the description of Cali Anderson.

Reno Homicide detective Michael Barnes says he was assigned to the apartment complex once the body was discovered in California and the connection to the Andersons was made by law enforcement. Detective Barnes told the jury he never made contact with Averyauna who was in the apartment on May 15, 2018. Barnes said he talked to residents though, living around the Anderson’s apartment #141. He said almost no one had contact with the couple or saw their children. One resident said she had seen a little girl from the residence. But the description did not match that of Cali. The detective said he was charged with looking into Cali’s medical records. He says the last wellness checkup on Cali Anderson was in in December 18, 2014 when she was more than two years old. Tyler Anderson was the adult to accompany Cali to the medical visits. Barnes said Cali was referred to a pediatric cardiologist during her last checkup. But Barnes testified Tyler Anderson cancelled the following appointment. Detective Barnes said medical records showed Cali Anderson weighed nearly 28 pounds on the December 2014 medical visit.

Last week Sacramento’s Chief Forensic Pathologist testified the five-year-old weighed 16 pounds at the time of autopsy. Dr. Jason Tovar told the jury Cali died of complications of malnutrition.

veryauna Enoch is suspected of starving Cali Anderson. She told investigators the girl just stopped breathing and she and her husband tried to resuscitate the five-year-old.

Dr. Tovar told the jury there was no evidence of such lifesaving efforts evident during the autopsy.

JULY 23: Jurors viewed about a dozen autopsy photos of 5-year-old Cali Anderson during the trial Averyauna Enoch. Enoch is accused of murdering her stepdaughter. The little girl was found dead, stuffed in a duffel bag in a Sacramento storage unit in May of 2018.

Her stepmom, father and two half brothers lived in a Reno apartment on Harvard Way at the time of Cali’s disappearance.

Sacramento Chief Forensic Pathologist Dr. Jason Tovar told the jury today the five-year-old died of complications of malnutrition. He told the jury the five-year-old was three feet tall and only weighed 16 pounds at the time of autopsy. The measurement he said could not be calibrated on growth charts set down by the Centers for Disease Control. Tovar told the jury the girl’s internal organs were all underweight as well. During he autopsy Tovar said, he noticed injuries to the girl’s arms, legs, hips, and head.

Averyauna Enoch, formerly Anderson and her husband were arrest in May of 2018 for the murder of Cali Anderson. Tyler Anderson pleaded guilty to murder charges. Enoch is standing trial for murder in the first degree, child endangerment leading to death, and obstruction charges.

The trial enters its second week on Monday July 26.

Despite request being frequently approved for other trials, Judge Kathleen Drakulich forbid cameras in the courtroom for this case.

An appeal by local media was denied by Judge Drakulich yesterday.

JULY 22: Jurors in the Averyauna Enoch trial viewed autopsy photos of the body of 5-year old Cali Anderson in Washoe District Court this morning. The child weighed 16 pounds at the time of discovery.

Crime scene investigators from Sacramento Police Department told the jury of marking the storage room floor where boxes were located. Eventually the content of those boxes was cataloged at a separate location outside the storage unit.

Anderson’s body was inside two duffel bags fully clothed with some additional clothing. The child’s head had a knit cap on it, there were mismatched socks on the feet. A children’s bible was next to the body.

Crime scene investigator Staci Rossi said items from the cardboard boxes contained documents with the names of either Tyler Anderson, or his then wife Averyauna Anderson.

Later in the afternoon, Maylene Duenas, Tyler Anderson’s aunt testified she worried about his daughter Cali. She says there were plenty of family celebrations where Tyler, his wife, Cali and eventually their son Tyrell would attend.

But she told the jury, Averyauna withheld food from Cali during the celebrations saying they didn’t want Cali to get fat. At another family function in 2015, Duenas said she noticed bruises on Cali’s face.

She says she eventually contacted child protective services when the couple lived in Woodland California. After a couple of months she testified, she was told by authorities nothing was discovered and the case was closed.

Tyler and Averyauna moved to Reno and Duenas said she rarely saw the couple. She says she asked for pictures of now all three kids, Averyauna had given birth to another son Titus while in Reno. However she says the rare instances where a picture of Cali was sent to her, they were black and white, and blurry.

ORIGINAL STORY: A trial is underway for a woman accused of starving her stepdaughter to death and then helping her husband dispose of the body.

Averyauna Enoch faces first degree murder, child endangerment resulting in death, and obstruction charges. Her stepdaughter Cali Anderson, a five-year-old, was found dead in a duffel bag at a storage unit in Sacramento in May of 2018.

In opening arguments, prosecutor Kelly Kossow said Enoch was not cooperative with investigators at first. But later during questioning Kossow told the jury, Enoch told investigators Cali had stopped breathing and Averyauna and her husband at the time, Tyler Anderson, tried to revive Cali.

Tyler Anderson has already plead guilty in this case.

Defense Attorney Kendra Bertschy told the jury Averyauna loved her five-year-old stepdaughter. She said her client fed the child oatmeal, and despite what investigators say, Cali was not kept in a dog cage for days or months at a time in the Harvard Way apartment where the family lived. Bertschy said during opening arguments the evidence will show Tyler Anderson is the one who stuffed Cali’s body in a duffel bag and put it in the apartment’s closet for a time. Later Bertschy said, it was Tyler who arranged to rent a UHaul Van to take the five-year old’s body to Sacramento. Enoch, Bertschy said, was 23 at the time of the death, and was overwhelmed in a small apartment taking care of three children.

Tyler Anderson’s relatives told investigators Averyauna kept the five-year-old away from them, and when they asked the stepmom about Cali’s whereabouts, she replied Cali was in daycare. One of those day care facilities was opened 24 hours relatives say Enoch told them.

Kossow told the jury, the last time anyone physically saw Cali was in the fall of 2017. Medical records on the child stopped in 2014, when Cali was 2 years old. At the time she weighed 24 pounds. Kossow told the jury the Sacramento Chief Pathologist will testify Cali weighed 16 pounds at the time of autopsy.

Bertschy told the jury of instructions given to passengers on an airline. To place the mask on yourself first, and then assist the child. “The 2018 evidence will show, Bertschy went on, “Cali ran out of oxygen. Tragedy followed,” she told the jury.

Late in the afternoon after opening arguments, David Hartman, the General Manager of the storage facility on Glenrose Avenue in Sacramento took the stand. He choked back emotion when describing being alerted by client Joe Garcia of a dead baby in one of the storage units. Hartman testified he went inside unit 1005 and noticed an empty blue barrel. Taking his flashlight Hartman said the light illuminated flesh coming out of what he thought was a backpack.

Judge Kathleen Drakulich denied the request for cameras in the courtroom in this case. Such requests are frequently granted in Washoe District Court.

Here is the affidavit filed by Reno Police at the time of the Andersons’ arrest. https://gray-arc-content.s3.amazonaws.com/KOLO/affidavit%20for%20complaint.pdf


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