Emma Presler

Emma Presler Murders Devin Graham

Emma Presler
Emma Presler

Emma Presler is a teen killer from Texas who would douse a man with a flammable liquid and set him on fire

According to court documents Emma Presler would go to the home of Deven Graham and would soak the man with gasoline then set him on fire. Deven Graham would suffer burns to ninety percent of his body and would die from his injuries. Deven girlfriend would suffer burns to fifty percent of her body however would thankfully survive her injuries

Emma Presler who had previously been arrested for another murder linked to a shooting , the charges would ultimately be dropped, would be arrested and she would plead guilty to the murder to escape the death penalty and would be sentenced to thirty years in prison

Emma Presler Case

A Houston woman who soaked a Kingwood man and woman with gasoline and then set them ablaze pleaded guilty to first-degree murder to avoid a capital murder trial and a potential death sentence.
On Wednesday, Emma Lou Presler, 22, of Houston appeared with her attorney, Gerald Borque, in the 435th District Court, before Judge Patty Maginnis. Presler is sentenced to 30 years in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

The horrific act occurred at the victims’ Kingwood residence at 2046 Aspen Glade Drive. Most people are aware the City of
Houston annexed Kingwood years ago. A lesser-known fact is that part of Kingwood, technically Houston, is in Montgomery County. This results in some confusion for residents, first responders, and sometimes dispatchers. In Presler’s case, Houston Police responded and conducted the investigation, but the case was filed in Montgomery County and assigned to a district court in Conroe.

According to the Complaint by HPD Officer Windham, Presler doused 33-year-old Devin Graham and 26-year-old Karissa Lindross with gasoline and ignited the man and woman, as well as the home. Hospital staff told an HPD Arson Investigator Graham was burned over about 90 percent of his body and Lindross sustained severe burns over 50 percent of her body.

A neighbor told investigators around 9:35 p.m., Lindross ran to his home smelling of gasoline, with her burned skin falling off of her. He said he let Lindross into his house to try and help her, and Lindross told him a man and woman had thrown gasoline on her lit her on fire.

Another neighbor said he was outside sitting in his truck when he heard an explosion, and looked up to see huge flames from the home where the attack occurred. The man said he heard Graham screaming for help and went to him. Graham, he said, told him “they tried to kill him.”

Actually, “they” succeeded in killing him. According to the Complaint, a little less than 48 hours after being burned alive, Graham died.

Another man, who was staying at Graham’s home at the time of the murder, told investigators he was there when Presler and a man he didn’t know arrived. He said she and Graham were arguing in the living room, and he went into the kitchen. The man said he then smelled gasoline, just before a fiery explosion occurred, and ran outside. The witness said Graham and Lindross then ran outside, and both of them were on fire. He said he used a garden hose to extinguish them and he left when medics arrived. The witness also identified Presler from a photo lineup.

On August 16, 2021, the investigator interviewed Lindross in the hospital. She was unable to speak, but was coherent and could nod or shake her head in response to questions. She revealed she knew Presler for more than a year and positively identified a photo of her.

The investigation revealed the gas can kept in the home’s garage was used to pour gas on her and Graham, and Presler then used a cigarette lighter to ignite the gasoline. Since Presler’s actions resulted in Graham’s death, and she was committing arson at the same time, the murder could have landed her on death row, but Presler decided not to risk it.

It remains unclear what role the man mentioned by both victims and the uninjured witness played. The victims had identified Presler as the person who soaked them with gasoline and started the fire. If the man was ever identified, it’s not mentioned in the complaint, nor is it mentioned whether he faces any charges.

Emma Presler remains in the Montgomery County Jail awaiting transfer to a state prison

Emma Presler Now

SID Number:    18141061

TDCJ Number:    02508637


Race:    W

Gender:    F

Age:    22

Maximum Sentence Date:    2051-08-26       

Current Facility:    COUNTY BENCH WARRANT

Projected Release Date:    2051-08-26

Parole Eligibility Date:    2036-08-25

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