James Bryant Murders Officer In South Carolina

James Bryant south carolina

James Bryant was sentenced to death by the State of South Carolina for the murder of a police officer

According to court documents James Bryant would get into a fight with Horry County police Cpl. Dennis Lyden that would end with the Officer being fatally shot

James Bryant would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

James Bryant Photos

James Bryant south carolina

James Bryant FAQ

Where Is James Bryant Now

James Bryant is incarcerated at Broad River Correctional Institution

James Bryant Case

In June 2000, Cpl. Dennis Lyden of the Horry County Police Department (“Cpl. Lyden”) was placing Bryant under arrest for driving with a suspended license when Bryant suddenly turned and wrestled Cpl. Lyden to the ground. During the course of the struggle, Bryant managed to obtain Cpl. Lyden’s flashlight and pistol magazine from the officer’s duty belt and used them to severely beat Cpl. Lyden about the head. After beating the officer unconscious, Bryant took Cpl. Lyden’s pistol from his holster and shot him in the head at close range. Bryant drove off, taking the pistol and the pistol magazine with him and leaving Cpl. Lyden’s body where it had fallen. After an extensive manhunt, Horry County law enforcement apprehended Bryant the next day.
