Michael Taylor alabama

Michael Taylor Murders 2 In Alabama

Michael Taylor was sentenced to death by the State of Alabama for the murders of an elderly couple

According to court documents Michael Taylor would go to the home of Ivan Moore and Lucille Moore who would be worried before their house was robbed

Michael Taylor would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Michael Taylor Photos

Michael Taylor alabama

Michael Taylor FAQ

Where Is Michael Taylor Now

Michael Taylor is incarcerated at Holman Prison

Michael Taylor Case

Taylor, then a 19-year-old high school graduate who had returned to his hometown of Gadsden while absent without leave from the Navy, solicited a ride to the home of the Moores, an elderly couple he knew.   Taylor left a duffel bag outside the house and asked Mr. Moore, who was age 83, if he could use the telephone.   Once inside, Taylor pretended to make a telephone call, and then Mr. Moore asked him if he would like something to drink.   Taylor said he would, and Mr. Moore got him a glass of water and a doughnut.   After Taylor had eaten, Mr. Moore asked him if he would like something else.   Taylor said he would, and Mr. Moore went back into the kitchen.

“Taylor then went outside and removed a metal bar from his duffel bag.   Taylor followed Mr. Moore into the kitchen, and, as the man bent into the refrigerator, Taylor began to strike him about the head with the metal bar.   Mr. Moore fell to the floor.   Mrs. Moore, who was age 79, entered the kitchen and bent down to see what was wrong with her husband.   Taylor then struck her repeatedly about the head with the metal bar.   As Mr. Moore attempted to crawl away and get up, Taylor again struck him with the bar.   Taylor then took Mr. Moore’s wallet, Mrs. Moore’s purse, their checkbook, and their 1986 Cadillac automobile.   He drove to Birmingham, cashed several checks made out to his name for a total of about $1500, and made several clothing and jewelry purchases at the Galleria shopping mall.

“The Moores were discovered in their home by a neighbor two days after their beating.   Mr. Moore was dead at that time;  Mrs. Moore was then unconscious, but later died.   The cause of both their deaths was severe blunt force injuries to their heads, which had fractured their skulls.   Mr. Moore had been struck with the bar approximately 17 times and had 11 wounds on his head;  Mrs. Moore had been struck with the bar at least 10 times.

“Taylor was arrested outside the Galleria shopping mall, after he had entered the Moores’ vehicle and attempted to drive away.   Upon being returned to Gadsden, Taylor confessed to beating the Moores during the course of a robbery.   It is disputed whether he stated, while giving his confession, that he had intended to kill the Moores.”


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