nicholas lindsey florida

Nicholas Lindsey Murders Officer David Crawford

Nicholas Lindsey was a sixteen year old teen killer from Florida who would murder Officer David Crawford

According to court documents St. Petersburg Florida Officer David Crawford was investigating a suspicious person complaint when he was shot multiple times by Nicholas Lindsey at close range

Nicholas Lindsey would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to life in prison

Nicholas Lindsey Now

nicholas lindsey today
DC Number:C06556
Birth Date:02/13/1995
Initial Receipt Date:03/29/2012
Current Facility:BLACKWATER C.F.
Current Custody:CLOSE
Current Release Date:SENTENCED TO LIFE

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Nicholas Lindsey Case

A teenager convicted of killing a Saint Petersburg police officer will stay behind bars. Nicholas Lindsey was sentenced to life in prison again on Friday, but with possibility of a review in 25 years.

He was originally sentenced in 2012 for the murder in the first degree of St. Pete police officer David Crawford, but had a hearing in 2013 where he was again sentenced to life.

The defense said the jury did not have a chance to consider the new alternative to life without parole set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding juveniles, and they wanted the sentence reduced to 40 years.

Lindsey was 16 at the time of the incident, but the judge said there was not proof that enough real rehabilitation had occurred in his time behind bars so far.

Nicholas Lindsey News

As a 16-year-old, Nicholas Lindsey was arrested and charged in the shooting death of St. Petersburg Police Officer David Crawford in February 2011.

“He will be . He’s gonna be paying for this for the rest of his life,” St. Petersburg Police Chief Chuck Harmon said on Feb 22, 2011.

On Friday, the jury found Lindsey guilty of first-degree murder. He will serve a life sentence without the possibility of parole. The death penalty is not an option for minors in the state of Florida.

“It’s hard” because of the suspect’s age. “It breaks my heart, we have a lot of good kids in our community … you don’t expect this,” Harmon said the night of Lindsey’s arrest.

Crawford’s widow, Donna Crawford, said it was hard to sit directly across from Lindsey Friday.

“It was disheartening to sit there and he has no expression,” she said according to the Tampa Bay Times. “I mean never once has he blinked, has he changed. It’s blank. There’s nothing there.”

In her closing statement, Crawford had some strong words for Lindsey.

“So the more you complain, scared little boy, be very afraid, because you’re going to prison where people are tortured, raped and yes, lose their life and this time mommy and daddy cannot run to your aid and help you,” Crawford said in her closing statement. “So I want you to know when these things happen to you it will still fall very short of the pain I feel every day for what you have taken from me.”

According to the Tampa Bay Times she said Lindsey was not worth remembering.

"You are not worth remembering anymore after I walk out of this courtroom today, except the day I get to read your obituary and then maybe, maybe I will find peace within this nightmare I relive every day." 

The night of Lindsey’s arrest, police said the teenager made an admission after two hours of questioning and changing his story about what happened.

According to ABC Action News, Lindsey’s defense team this week did not deny Lindsey shot and killed Crawford. They argued about the intent.

" ... but argued he “panicked” when approached by Crawford. They made it clear they were pushing for a conviction on manslaughter, rather than first-degree murder."

The police report from last year stated Crawford near the intersection of 2nd Avenue South and 8th Street South while he investigated . Police said Crawford was shot five times.

Just last month the city held a somber memorial on the .

“In some ways this seems an eternity ago,” Police Chief Chuck Harmon said on the anniversary of Crawford’s shooting in St. Petersburg. “In some aspects it seems like it was just yesterday. (It was) a painful process that continues today.”

Crawford was the third St. Petersburg Police officer shot to death in the line of duty within 30 days in 2011. Just a month earlier, .

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