Nicole Nachtman Murders Parents

Nicole Nachtman

Nicole Nachtman was a twenty one year old killer from Florida when she would murder her mother and stepfather

According to court documents Nicole Nachtman would sneak into her parents house in the middle of the night and would fatally shoot her stepfather Robert Dienes, 67. Nicole would then wait for her mother, Myriam Dienes, 56, to return home from a work trip. When Myriam would arrive the next day she would be shot multiple times in the driveway leading to her death

Nicole Nachtman would first tell police that she was at Florida State University, FSU, however neighbors would tell police they saw her in the area when the murders occurred. Nachtman would then try to tell the jury that she was not responsible for her actions due to mental illness however the jury did not go for it and she would be convicted of the two murders and sentenced to life in prison without parole

Nicole Nachtman Now

nicole nachtman now
DC Number:B70560
Birth Date:02/11/1994
Initial Receipt Date:08/28/2019
Current Facility:LOWELL ANNEX
Current Custody:CLOSE
Current Release Date:SENTENCED TO LIFE

Nicole Nachtman Videos

Nicole Nachtman Case

It took a jury 12 hours to find Nicole Nachtman guilty of executing her mother and stepfather at gunpoint.

The panel of five women and seven men convicted Nachtman early Saturday morning of two counts of first-degree murder, rejecting defense arguments that she was insane at the time of the crimes.

Hillsborough Circuit Judge Christopher Sabella immediately sentenced Nachtman, 25, to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The defendant showed no reaction as the verdict was read. She appeared tired as she stood at a defense table, just after 1 a.m. Saturday, her hair sticking up in back as though she had been sleeping. She was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs.

“It was a difficult case,” said Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren, who was in the courtroom when the jury’s decision was announced. “Our attorneys did a tremendous job marshaling the evidence to prove she committed these heinous crimes and to hold her accountable.”

Hillsborough Public Defender Julianne Holt, who personally led Nachtman’s defense, left the courthouse without commenting.

Jurors started deliberations just after 1 p.m. Friday. They appeared to struggle to reach a consensus.

After about seven hours, they asked Friday evening what would happen if they were unanimous on only one count. They also asked for the legal definitions of the words “consequences, psychotic break, psychosis and insane.”

The judge conferred with the attorneys and agreed that they should refer them to their written instructions. The jurors kept working. After midnight, a prosecutor voiced concern about the length of the deliberations, but the judge declined to intervene. A verdict came minutes later.

It capped a two-week trial which at times felt less like a murder trial and more like an examination of the way Nachtman’s mother molded her daughter’s psyche.

“She wasn’t a perfect parent,” Assistant State Attorney John Terry said in his closing argument to the jury earlier Friday. “She made mistakes. But those mistakes do not give Nicole Nachtman the right to kill her.”

Defense attorneys argued that Myriam Dienes inflicted years of psychological, verbal and physical abuse on Nachtman, who was emotionally stunted and lived in fear. They also argued that Nachtman had schizophrenia, carrying the delusion that her mother was going to kill her, and thus did not understand the consequences of her actions.

Myriam Dienes, 56, was a captain and nurse in the Navy. She was returning home from a work-related trip the night of Aug. 20, 2015 when she was shot three times outside her home. A next-door neighbor testified he heard the gunshots and a scream, then saw a shadowy figure dashing between their homes.

He looked out and saw Dienes lying dead at the end of his driveway.

When Hillsborough sheriff’s deputies arrived, they found the front door open. Inside, a locked bedroom concealed the body of Robert Dienes, 67. He had been dead for at least a day, a gunshot wound to the back of his head.

Before the slayings, prosecutors said, Nachtman was worried because she had not obtained housing at Florida State University, where she was a student. So she laid out a trap for her mother, the state argued.

First, she shot Robert Dienes, then dragged his body into a bedroom. She cleaned up her stepfather’s blood, but left droplets and smudges throughout the house, along with her own thumbprint stamped in blood on a wall.

She stayed in the house for about a day. She borrowed money from a cousin to pay her housing fee, deposited it, and later learned she got that dorm room after all.

Hours before her mother returned home, Nachtman parked her red Toyota Prius about a mile from the home. She came back and munched on Cheetos while watching a movie, “Ex Machina.”

In a confession she later made to her older half-brother, she said she got cold feet when she heard her mother arrive. She said she tried to sneak out a window, but Myriam Dienes spotted her outside.

“Nikki,” the mother said. “What the f— are you doing here?”

Nachtman then shot her mother.

After the murders, Nachtman drove to Tallahassee. That’s where she was arrested the next day.

The defense relied heavily on the testimony of two psychological experts who said Nachtman showed signs of battered child syndrome.

The experts said Myriam Dienes belittled her with cutting comments like that she was an “overweight skank” and a “worthless daughter.” They said Nachtman also related incidents in which her mother hit or kicked her.

“This wasn’t the mind of a normal 21-year-old,” said defense attorney Dana Herce-Fulgueira. “This was the mind of a child.”

Dienes shamed her daughter about her weight, even though she was she was never particularly heavy, forcing her to undergo liposuction. Shortly before the killings, Dienes was trying to make Nachtman get laser surgery to correct her vision.

Witnesses also testified about signs that Nachtman suffered from mental illness.

She dressed in layers amid the Florida heat, had to be told to bathe, slept during the day and stayed awake nights, was socially withdrawn, and fixated on Japanese anime and the Disney animated musical “Frozen.” At the time of the killings, she spoke of “screaming voices” in her head and seeing signs from God.

Nachtman spoke few words during the trial. As her family, schoolmates, and neighbors trooped into the courtroom one after another to take the witness stand, she remained slouched in her seat at a defense table, seldom looking up.

But it was her words that helped convict her.

In court Friday, prosecutors played recordings of a set of controlled phone calls detectives made to Nachtman hours after her mother was killed.

“They’re making it sound like you’re involved,” her uncle says to her in one call.

“I was here,” Nachtman said.She said she left home two days earlier.

“The detective told me somebody hurt your mom intentionally,” her uncle said.

“Mom doesn’t get along with as many people as you think,” Nachtman said.

Those words, Assistant State Attorney Courtney Derry told the jury, are the best evidence of what her state of mind was.

“These are not disorganized, illogical thoughts. These are not hallucinations,” Derry said. “She knows exactly what she’s done and what’s happening.”