Robert Walls Executed For Fred Harmon Murder

Robert Walls was executed by the State of Missouri for the murder of Fred Harmon

According to court documents Robert Walls and two accomplices would break into the home of Fred Harmon, 88, who would be tortured and murdered.

Robert Walls would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Robert Walls would be executed by lethal injection on June 30 1999

Table of Contents

Robert Walls Case

We present the facts as the jury could have found them. On the night of December 15, 1985, appellant (Robert Walls), Terry Wilson and Tommy Thomas were all out drinking. At that time all three were confined to and residents of a halfway house. They decided they wanted to leave St. Louis. Wilson told them he knew an old man from whom he could get a car and some money. Wilson had recently burglarized the victim’s house.

All three took a cab to Maplewood, Missouri. They proceeded to the victim’s house at 3109 Walter. Wilson and Thomas entered through a window while appellant remained outside. Appellant (Robert Walls) later entered the house through a side door that was open. Appellant saw blood everywhere and the victim crying on the bedroom floor. The victim, who recognized Wilson, calling him Terry, offered Wilson anything to leave him alone. Appellant saw Thomas kicking the victim’s head with the toe of his boot telling him to shut up. All three tried to tie the victim with neckties. The victim strongly resisted. Wilson handed Thomas a roll of duct tape which Thomas used to strike the victim. Appellant held the victim’s head down while he was being tied by putting his foot on the right side of the victim’s face. Appellant suggested tying the victim’s feet and then held his feet while Thomas tied them. Several minutes later, the victim unsuccessfully attempted to get up. All three dragged him into the kitchen. Either Wilson or Thomas suggested putting the victim in the freezer as he had seen in a movie. Wilson also suggested turning on the gas to blow up the house. Wilson then began to put the victim in the freezer by himself and told the others to help him. All three lifted the victim and put him inside, head down. Appellant said he thought the victim was going to “croak.” When appellant later opened the freezer, the victim said “I’m already dead, let me die, … let me die.” Appellant went back in the bedroom for the keys to the car and when he returned the television and typewriter had been placed *794 on top of the freezer. Appellant took the typewriter off and called out “are you in there”. Appellant then put the typewriter back on the freezer and Wilson and Thomas placed a chair on top of the freezer. Appellant heard the victim moaning and groaning in the freezer. Wilson indicated that he had the victim’s car keys and cash and suggested that they should leave. The three drank sodas, then left in the victim’s car.

On December 18, 1985, the Maplewood police discovered an open bedroom storm window and a block of wood beneath the window. Inside the house they discovered several areas of blood on the kitchen floor. Four stove burners were on, with the pilot lights extinguished. The telephone cord was ripped from the wall and both the back and front doors were locked. There was blood on the bed, the bedroom wall, and the bedroom floor. The victim’s wallet, absent any money, was found in the bathroom. Duct tape with hair on it was found in the kitchen sink. The police noticed a freezer that had an arm chair, television, and a large typewriter stacked on top. Food items were found behind the freezer. The victim’s body, covered by a sheet, was found inside the freezer.

The autopsy revealed that the victim had sustained numerous blunt trauma injuries to his head and limbs, an injury which separated his scalp from the skull in the middle of the head, broken ribs on his left side, and a bruise on his spleen. The pathologist testified that the facial injuries could have been inflicted by kicking with boots or tennis shoes. Death was attributed to a combination of blunt injuries, hypothermia, and suffocation. The victim could have died within an hour either from suffocation or hypothermia.

Appellant (Robert Walls) was arrested on December 20, 1985 in Santa Monica, California for burglary. Also arrested was Terry Wilson. Both provided aliases to the police. The victim’s car was recovered about one block from where appellant and Wilson were arrested. Appellant made a statement concerning this murder to the Santa Monica police. This statement and subsequent statements made to Missouri officers were admitted at trial.

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