Steven Cepec Murders Frank Munz In Ohio

Steven Cepec was sentenced to death by the State of Ohio for the murder of Frank Munz

According to court documents Steven Cepec was just recently released from prison when he would rob Frank Munz, 73, and would beat him to death using a hammer

Steven Cepec was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Steven Cepec Photos

Steven Cepec ohio

Steven Cepec FAQ

Where Is Steven Cepec Now

Steven Cepec is incarcerated at Ohio State Penitentiary

Steven Cepec Case

In May 2010, a hearing officer for the Ohio Adult Parole Authority
ordered Cepec to complete a halfway-house drug-treatment program as a sanction
for a parole violation. On May 28, the day he was admitted to the program after
transfer from the Lorain Correctional Institution, he left to go to the hospital and
did not return. He was declared absent without leave just after midnight on May
29, and a warrant was issued for his arrest

During the next few days, Cepec and his girlfriend, Michelle Palmer,
stayed with various acquaintances in Cleveland and in a recreational vehicle in a
barn in Medina County owned by Palmer’s father. The barn is located near the
residence of Frank Munz and his nephew, Paul Munz.
{¶ 6} Cepec had been to the Munz house several times to make phone calls.
At least once after Cepec left the halfway house, Paul had heard Cepec phoning
people from Frank’s telephone, asking for money.
{¶ 7} On June 3, Palmer’s sister, Renee, and her family delivered Cepec to
the barn in Medina at noon, while Palmer went to Parma to see her children. Before
the trip, Cepec had borrowed two or three dollars and a pair of shoes from Renee’s
boyfriend. At Cepec’s request, Sarah Styverson visited the barn with two others
around 1:30 p.m., when Cepec asked them to drive him to Medina. They spoke
with him for about ten minutes but refused to drive him to town.
9-1-1 call and arrest
{¶ 8} About an hour later, Paul heard Frank and Cepec talking in the Munz
house and then heard “two loud thumps.” Paul heard Frank shout, “Cut it out,
asshole.” Paul next heard someone “choking, then silence, and then someone
panting pretty heavily.” Paul locked himself in a bedroom. He heard footsteps in
the hall and around the other bedrooms. He also heard someone running the
bathroom faucet and “dumping tin cans full of change out.” When he heard
someone try to open his door, he called 9-1-1. In the 9-1-1 recording, Paul
described what he had heard and identified Cepec as the person talking to his uncle.
{¶ 9} At 2:37 p.m., the Medina County Sheriff’s Office dispatched officers
to the Munz house for a burglary in progress. Deputy Steven Herte saw Cepec in
the garage. Herte ordered him to “get down on the ground.” Cepec acted as though
he would comply, but instead took off through the woods. Officers found him in
the brush in a nearby field and arrested him

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