Steven Judy was executed by the State of Indiana for the murders of a mother and her three children
According to court documents Steven Judy would stop to help the victim change her tire but would disable her car at the same time. Judy would offer the woman and her children a ride home
Soon after Steven Judy would sexually assault and murder Terry Lee Chasteen and her three children, Misty Ann, Steve and Mark, on April 28, 1979.
Judy would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death
Steven Judy would be executed March 9, 1981 by electric chair
Steven Judy Photos

Steven Judy FAQ
When was Steven Judy executed
Steven Judy was executed on March 9, 1981
How was Steven Judy was executed
Steven Judy was executed by way of the electric chair
Steven Judy Case
Terry Lee Chasteen started her work day April 28, 1979, with her normal routine of taking her three young children to their baby sitter’s house. Along the way, Chasteen had car trouble. The single mom pulled to the side of the road and readily accepted help from a man who she thought was simply being a Good Samaritan.
Steven Judy was anything but a Good Samaritan.
After fixing her tire but disabling her car, Judy offered Chasteen and her children a ride.
Within an hour, Terry and her children were dead. Judy savagely raped and strangled Chasteen and threw her three children into White Lick Creek near Mooresville. The children — Misty Ann, 5; Steve, 4; and Mark, 2 — drowned.
Judy was tried in Martinsville in January 1980 and initially maintained his innocence. He later confessed and was sentenced to the electric chair.
Steven T. Judy was executed March 9, 1981. He ordered prime rib and lobster for his last meal. His final words before execution were, “I don’t hold no grudges. This is my doing. Sorry it happened.”
State death penalty laws were overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1972. Many states, including Indiana, passed new laws that met the criteria outlined by the high court. Indiana’s death penalty was reinstated in 1977, and Judy was the first to go to the electric chair after that.