Antoinette Frank Murders 3 People

Antoinette Frank is a woman from Louisiana who was sentenced to death for the murders of three people

Antoinette Frank use to be a police officer in New Orleans and during her time on the force she would murder three people including a fellow police officer

Antoinette Frank and Rogers Lacaze would begin dating even though he was a known drug dealer and she was a police officer. Needless to say her fellow officers did not think highly of this pairing

The new pair would drive around New Orleans and rob fellow motorists

Soon the pair would step things up. Antoinette Frank and Rogers Lacaze would enter a restaurant where Frank used to work and in the process of a robbery would shoot and kill a police officer who was working security

When they were leaving the restaurant Antoinette Frank would learn that her fellow officers were rushing to the scene so she would go back into the restaurant and shoot and kill two people. An employee would be able to escape and identify both Antoinette Frank and Rogers Lacaze

Antoinette Frank would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Antoinette Frank Photos

Antoinette Frank

Antoinette Frank FAQ

Where is Antoinette Frank now

Antoinette Frank is currently incarcerated at the Louisiana Death Row For Women

Antoinette Frank Only Woman On Louisiana Death Row

There is just one woman rotting away on Louisiana’s death row.

Antoinette Frank can be kindly be described as the worst of the worst

A onetime New Orleans cop, Frank, now 48, was always going to go rogue.

Oldtimers at the police academy thought so and put it in writing.

And officers in the New Orleans Police Department have always been familiar with its cultural corruption.

As long as there have been cops in the Big Easy, there has been bad cops. Very bad.  Murders and drug trafficking were just part of the mix when Frank joined the force in 1993.

She was 22 at the time and got caught lying several times on her application. PD headshrinkers marked her file DO NOT HIRE.

But Frank — described by fellow cops as weak, indecisive and occasionally irrational — weaselled her way in.

NOPD was a historically poorly paid department (hence the corruption) and had a tough time keeping good officers and detectives. Plus, she was black and relations between cops and the black community have never been great.

Enter Rogers Lacaze, an 18-year-old small-time dope dealer who got a case of lead poisoning.

Frank took his statement. Then the cop and the crook began having sex.

Lacaze would ride with Frank in her police cruiser and they would have romps in alleys and behind housing projects as he pedalled crack.

On March 4, 1995, around 11 p.m., Frank and her boy toy rolled into the Kim And Vietnamese restaurant. She’d picked up a few extra bucks there working security.

“The Vus took a real liking to her,” Frank’s ex-partner later said. “I mean they were in love with this girl. They bought her presents for this, presents for that. Anything she wanted, anything she needed, they gave her.”

Fellow NOPD Officer Ronald Williams was working security at the time. He knew Frank well. Problem was, Williams knew her boyfriend as a third-rate thug.

Around midnight, Chau Vu, 24, was working the restaurant with her sister and two brothers. It was slow, time to call it a night.

Then, she noticed the key was missing. Still, she decided to pay Williams and let him go home.

When she walked into the dining room, there was Antoinette Frank.

Sensing something was wrong, she slid into the back, hid the cash in a microwave and returned to the front of the joint.

Chau didn’t trust the cop, partly because of her sleazy looking beau with his chains and gold teeth.

Williams asked Antoinette Frank about the missing key. She ignored him and went to the kitchen.

The sleazeball boyfriend Lacaze then entered and shot Williams in the back of the head with a single .9 mm slug. The boy toy terror then parked two more bullets into Williams’ paralyzed body.

Lacaze took his gun and wallet

Chau grabbed her brother and another employee and they hid in the walk-in cooler, turned out the lights and prayed.

Greedy Frank and Lacaze scoured the restaurant for the dough.

As Chau watched through the cooler’s glass windows, her heart was shattered in a million pieces as Antoinette Frank stood over her brother and sister, who were holding hands, sobbing and begging for mercy.

It mattered not a whit. Frank shot them both in the head as ice cold as can be.

The two psychos then fled the restaurant.

Her brother ran to a neighbour’s and called 911.

But within minutes, terror returned.

Officer Antoinette Frank in her uniform. Chau ran. Frank pursued her but other cops stopped the killer in blue.

Frank told her fellow officers three armed men had run out the back.

To legendary NOPD homicide detective Eddie Rantz, the whole scene stunk.

Balls of brass Frank then approached Chau who was talking to Rantz. She asked the terrified woman “if she was alright.”

Shaking, and speaking in broken English, Chau said: “Why would you ask that? You were there. You knew what happened.”

That was enough for Rantz, who said years later: “There’s no doubt in my mind she went back there to kill the rest of them.

Frank stumbled fast under the rapid fire questioning at the scene from Rantz and his partner Det. Marco Demmo.

When it became clear what went down, the veteran detective said, “I wanted to vomit.”

The low-rent Romeo and Juliet pointed the finger at each other.

Lacaze was sentenced to death.

And Frank? On Oct. 20, 1995, she was also sentenced to death via the rocket ride to oblivion that is lethal injection.

After 30 years on the job, Rantz went back to school and joined the district attorney’s office. He still thinks about Antoinette Frank.

“She is, without a doubt, the most cold-hearted person I’ve ever met,” Rantz said

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