jacob matt morgan

Jacob Matt Morgan Murders 14 Month Old Brother

Jacob Matt Morgan was seventeen years old when he set a fire in his home that would kill his fourteen month old brother.

Jacob Matt Morgan was left in charge of his fourteen month old brother Joshua Hill. Jacob would start two fires in the home that would quickly spread and the seventeen year old would head outside ignoring his half brother. Joshua Hill would perish in the fire.

When questioned by police Jacob Matt Morgan would give a number of different stories before admitting to starting the fatal fire and it was revealed that he had previously set a fire inside of the home.

Jacob Matt Morgan, who is on the Autistic spectrum, would plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter and would be sentenced to fifteen years in State prison

Jacob Matt Morgan would be released on parole in 2022.

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Jacob Matt Morgan was released from prison in 2022

Jacob Matt Morgan Gets 15 Years For Baby Brother’s Death

A York County teen accused in the death of his 14-month-old half brother pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and unlawful conduct of a child in court Tuesday.

Jacob Matthew Morgan, 17, will spend 15 years in the Department of Corrections.

Morgan, known to friends as Matt, was arrested last year after a fire at his Rock Hill mobile home killed his baby half-brother, Joshua Hill, in March.

Half-brother charged with murder, arson in baby’s death

Morgan pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter instead of murder, and an unlawful conduct towards a child charge, rather than homicide by child abuse.

The teenager also entered an Alford plea, maintaining his innocence, for third-degree arson rather than first-degree arson.

Last year, prosecutors said Morgan gave several conflicting statements before eventually admitting to starting the fire. Investigators testified fire patterns showed two fires were set and said Morgan’s stories didn’t add up.

“It my estimation both fires were set at or near potential heat sources – both of them near heaters – to disguise the fire as being accidental,” said SLED investigator William Keller.

In court Tuesday, an emotional Morgan told the judge that he loved his brother and wished he could have saved him.

“To kill him would be killing a piece of myself,” Morgan said.

Prosecutors told the judge the fire had two points of origin the bedroom where Hill was asleep and the living room. Morgan was accused of lighting tea candles before the trailer home went up in flames.

Deputy solicitor Willy Thompson said the teen had a fascination with fire, and that evidence pointed to the flames being intentionally set.

“Whether he certainly intended to kill his brother or not, it may be up for some debate,” Thompson said, “But he obviously set the fire that ultimately killed his brother.”

Prosecutors said Morgan had a cell phone, but never used it to call for help.

Despite the evidence against the older brother, loved ones continue to stand behind him.

“I will never get over losing my little boy,” said Myke Hill, father of Joshua and step-father to Morgan. “I will never get over my other son being accused of the loss of our little boy.”

A first-degree arson charge carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years in jail. After consulting with his public defender, Morgan opted to enter the Alford plea, admitting the state had enough evidence to convict him.

“We have always believed in his innocence, because we know our son. We know the evidence against him looks horrible,” said Morgan’s mother Julie in court.

Prosecutors said they’re pleased with the deal, and the amount of time Morgan will serve behind bars.

Deputy solicitor Thompson said it was challenging because the victim’s family and suspect’s family were one and the same, and did not want prosecution

“The friends and neighbors of the family, they were very adamant in us not prosecuting him at all. But that was not an option, because this obviously was a crime,” Thompson said.

Morgan’s family feels like they’re losing another son.

“We’re as set as we can be… the pain will never go away, but hopefully it will lessen in time,” Myke Hill said.

Morgan will be on five years of probation after his release, but could be sent back to jail for 15 years if he violates any of the terms.


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