Jeremy Williams Murders 5 Yr Old Girl
Jeremy Williams was sentenced to death by the State of Georgia for the murder of five year old Kamarie Holland
According to court documents Jeremy Williams would offer the mother of Kamarie Holland $2500 in order to tape a sexual act with the child which the mother, Kristy Marie Siple, also known as Kristy Hoskins, agreed to. After the act was performed Jeremy Williams would murder the child and bring her body to an abandoned home. The mother would eventually report the little girl as missing and she would be found the next day
Jeremy Williams would also confess to the sexual assault and murder of his one month old daughter in Alaska which was a cold case at the time of his arrest for the Kamarie Holland murder
Jeremy Williams would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death
Jeremy Williams Case
The man convicted of kidnapping, sexually assaulting and murdering 5-year-old Kamarie Holland was sentenced to death on Monday, according to
Jeremy Williams, 40, who was convicted of four capital offenses for the 2021 rape and murder of the Columbus, Georgia, girl, was given the death sentence for each of the four charges, WTVM reported.
Williams received the death penalty for murder of a child less than 14 years old; murder during a rape; murder during sodomy; and murder during a kidnapping, the station reported.
He was also sentenced to life for knowingly recording the acts of rape, and sodomy; 10 years in the Department of Corrections for obstruction of a corpse; life in the Department of Corrections for human trafficking; and 20 years in the Department of Corrections for conspiracy to commit human trafficking.
Williams confessed to raping and murdering Kamarie as well as his 1-month-old daughter in Alaska — a cold case that was reopened after the confession, WRBL reported.
When a sheriff’s deputy asked Williams why he was confessing he said it was because he “wanted to get right with God before he’s executed,” WRBL reported.
The girl’s mother, 35-year-old Kristy Marie Siple, also known as Kristy Hoskins, has also been indicted on felony murder and human trafficking charges after she offered Kamarie to Williams for $2,500.
Kamarie was reported missing by her mother on Dec. 13, 2021. Her body was found in an abandoned home in east Alabama the next day. She had been sexually assaulted and strangled, according to the medical examiner.
Jeremy Williams News
A man convicted for the rape and murder of a 5-year-old Georgia girl has received the death penalty.
Jeremy Williams, 40, was arrested in December 2021 in Alabama and charged with capital murder after the disappearance and death of Kamarie Holland.
According to WSB, police said Hollard’s mother, Kristy Siple, trafficked her daughter to Williams for money.
Prosecutors said Williams forced the child to perform sexual acts before he strangled her.
Williams recently pleaded guilty to four counts of capital murder, obstruction of a corpse, knowingly recording the acts, rape, and sodomy.
Siple pleaded guilty to human sex trafficking.
Williams was sentenced to the death penalty on Monday.
An execution date has not been announced.