Robert Sidebottom Executed For Grandmas Murder

Robert Sidebottom was executed by the State of Missouri for the murder of his Grandmother

According to court documents Robert Sidebottom would go over to his Grandmother’s home, May Sidebottom, who he would beat before setting the house on fire. Sidebottom was upset that his Grandmother would not give him money

Robert Sidebottom would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Robert Sidebottom would be executed by lethal injection on November 15 1995

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Robert Sidebottom Case

In the early morning hours of October 4, 1985 Robert Sidebottom went to his grandmother’s home to get some money from her. Sidebottom was with a co-worker whom he had been drinking with most of the evening. Upon returning to the car, Sidebottom told his companion that he was upset that his 74 year old grandmother, May Sidebottom, only gave him $5.00 when he knew she had just received $ 14,000.00 from insurance following the death of her husband.

Sidebottom later returned to his grandmother’s home and told his companion he would give him $ 14,000.00 if he would “cover” for him if anything went wrong. Sidebottom then told his companion to leave. The companion complied driving Sidebottom’s automobile from the scene.

Evidence indicates that Ms. Sidebottom’s assailant broke into her house through a back door window. Once inside, Sidebottom told police that he confronted his grandmother and told her he wanted more money. She became angry with him and denied his demand.

Sidebottom in his statement to police reported that he got angry at his granmother’s refusal for more money and began beating her. He struck her in the head and back with his fists and a chair until she stopped moving. He then started a fire in a bedroom and left.

Police arrived at the burning house at around 2:35a.m. and found Ms. Sidebottom lying unconscious, but alive in a pool of blood in the kitchen. Blood was splattered on the floor, walls and ceiling of the kitchen along with pieces of a broken chair. Ms. Sidebottom suffered from numerous injuries of the head and neck including a fractured jaw, broken nose, five frontal rib fractures and three back rib fractures. She later died that same morning.

Sidebottom had previously told friends that he would inherit approximately $ 30,000.00 after his grandmother died and that he would do just about anything, including killing her, to get the money.

When police interviewed Robert Sidebottom about his grandmother’s death he admitted to being present and striking her, but could not remember details.

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