Florida death row

On this page at Murder Database you will find all of the people who have been convicted of murder that have the last name starting with K. The names in italics are female

Murder Database – KA TO KD

Leo Kaczmar

James Kahler

Georgios Kakavelos

Oliver Karafa

Jason Karels

Mir Kasi

Nicole Kasinskas

Derek Kaufman

George Kayer

Majorjon Kaylor

Murder Database – KE TO KH

Billy Kearse

Heather Leavell Keaton

Nickalas Kedrowitz

Joseph Keel

David Keen

Marvallous Keene

Chevie Kehoe

Kyle Kelbel

Troy Kell

William Kelley

Michael Kelley

Alvin Kelly

Carl Kelly

Emanuel Kemp

Thomas Kemp

Edmund Kemper

Kenneth Kenley

Edward Kennedy

Victor Kennedy

Robert Kern

Connor Kerner

Cary Kerr

Kimberly Kessler

Sandra Ketchum

Yemissi Keto

Joshua Keyzer

Murder Database – KI TO KN

Alvie Kiles

Bruce Kilgore

Sonny Kim

Darius Kimbrough

Clifford Kimmel

Kevin Kincy

Richard Kinder

Amos King

Calvin King

Danny King

Eric King

John King

Leon King

Michael King

Terry King

Warren King

Kip Kinkel

Juan Kinley

Raymond Kinnamon

David Kinney

Anthony Kirkland

Ronnie Kirksey

William Kitchens

Gary Kleypas

Justice Knight

Melvin Knight

Patrick Knight

Richard Knight

Ronald Knight

Ernest Knighton

Robert Knighton

James Knox

Thomas Knuff

Murder Database – KO TO KT

John Koehler

Teresa Kohnle

Gregory Kokal

Andrew Kokoraleis

Sandra Kolalou

Sarah Kolb

Scott Kologi

Nicholas Koontz

Johnny Kormondy

Fred Kornahrens

Alexander Kraus

Anton Krawczuk

Alec Kreider

Paul Kreutzer

Murder Database – KU TO KZ

Troy Kunkle

Jessy Kurczewski

Richard Kutzner