melvin trotter florida

Melvin Trotter Murders Virgie Langford In Florida

Melvin Trotter was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Virgie Langford

According to court documents Melvin Trotter would rob a grocery store owned by Virgie Langford. He would beat the elderly woman in which she sustained injuries that would lead to cardiac arrest and her death

Melvin Trotter would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Melvin Trotter Photos

melvin trotter florida

Melvin Trotter Now

DC Number:573461
Birth Date:12/29/1960
Initial Receipt Date:06/18/1987
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Melvin Trotter Case

On June 16, 1986, Melvin Trotter entered a grocery store in Palmetto, Florida, owned by seventy-year-old Virgie Langford, grabbed Ms. Langford by the neck, and stabbed her seven times with a sixteen-inch-long butcher knife that Trotter had obtained at her store.   Although Trotter had cut her eight-inches deep and disemboweled her, Ms. Langford remained alive while Trotter robbed her of money and food stamps.   Ms. Langford died later at a hospital after a customer discovered her while she lay bleeding on the floor of her store.   Trotter used the money that he stole from Ms. Langford to purchase crack cocaine.

After a trial, a jury found Trotter guilty of robbery with a deadly weapon and first-degree murder and recommended a sentence of death by a nine-to-three vote.

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