Nicole Kasinskas Murders Mother

Nicole Kasinskas was a sixteen year old teen killer from New Hampshire who would murder her mother

According to court documents Nicole Kasinskas was dating William Sullivan who was older and needless to say her mother did not approve of the relationship. When her mother would not allow to travel with William Sullivan out of State the two two would plan her murder

William Sullivan would strike Jeanne Dominico over the head with a baseball bat and proceeded to stab her multiple times causing her death. Nicole Kasinskas was waiting at a nearby 7-11 and would return to her home and help Sullivan clean up the aftermath of the murder

Nicole Kasinskas and William Sullivan would be arrested. Nicole would testify against Sullivan in return for a lighter sentence. This teen killer would receive a thirty five year to life sentence

William Sullivan was sentenced to life

Nicole Kasinskas Now

NICOLE KASINSKAS36778694656109/08/20057/13/2102NH Correctional Facility for Women

William Sullivan Now

WILLIAM JOSEPH SULLIVAN JR38777624637507/15/20056/5/2108NH State Prison for Men

Nicole Kasinskas Videos

Nicole Kasinskas Case

A Nashua woman convicted of helping murder her mother lost a bid Wednesday to commute her prison sentence.

The Executive Council voted, 3-2, against the application of Nicole Kasinskas to be released from prison after serving 15 years, or less than half of her prison term, for the 2003 murder of Jeanne Dominico.

Nicole Kasinskas pleaded guilty in 2005 and was sentenced to 37½ years in prison.

Councilors Andru Volinsky, D-Concord, and Michael Cryans, D-Hanover, voted in favor of holding a hearing on the request.

Councilors Debora Pignatelli, D-Nashua, Ted Gatsas, R-Manchester, and Russell Prescott, R-Kingston, opposed it.

Requests from convicted offenders to commute a sentence or grant a pardon are routinely turned down.

Two weeks ago, the council tabled this request to review the lengthy file on the case.

Volinsky had said he could support a hearing to explore whether Kasinskas had been a victim of domestic abuse prior to the crime.

Pignatelli noted the murder occurred in her district.

“I am not going to vote in favor of this commutation right now for Ms. Kasinskas,” Pignatelli said two weeks ago.

“She has acquitted herself well while in prison and I commend her for that. I can also see a time when I might consider a commutation for her sentence, but for me that time is not right now.”

Kasinskas testified against her former boyfriend, William Sullivan, who brutally beat Dominico with a baseball bat and then stabbed her 40 times while her daughter was at a nearby 7-Eleven convenience store, prosecutors said.

Kasinskas admitted she went to the scene soon after the murder and stepped over her mother’s body to fetch a cloth to help clean up the blood.

Prosecutors said Nicole Kasinskas and Sullivan murdered Dominico because she refused to let the two teenagers live together. Sullivan was convicted of first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison.

Will Delker, the senior assistant attorney general who prosecuted Kasinskas’ case, said she had two and a half years taken off her sentence for furthering her education. Terms of the deal allowed her to seek a further reduction after serving two-thirds of her sentence, which won’t be until 2031.

Delker is now a superior court judge.

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