Terry Chamberlain Murders 2 In Pennsylvania

Terry Chamberlain was sentenced to death by the State of Pennsylvania for a double murder

According to court documents Chamberlain would go over to the home of his ex wife and would murder her and her boyfriend

Chamberlain would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Terry Chamberlain Photos

Terry Chamberlain pennsylvania

Terry Chamberlain FAQ

Where Is Terry Chamberlain Now

Terry Chamberlain is incarcerated at SCI Phoenix

Terry Chamberlain Case

The record reflects the following.   Appellant’s estranged wife, Sherri Chamberlain, and her boyfriend, Gregory Inman, lived together.   They were found dead at their residence in the early morning hours of August 22, 1991.   Each victim had suffered multiple gunshot wounds.   Kim Ulrich, the victims’ next-door neighbor, was awakened by a telephone call at 2:24 that morning.   The call lasted about 2.5 seconds.   After Mrs. Ulrich picked up the telephone and said, “hello,” the caller stated, “call an ambulance-Terry shot Greg and me.”   When Mrs. Ulrich queried “Sherri?” the caller failed to respond.   Mrs. Ulrich could not recall hearing any background noise or voices during the 2:24 a.m. call.

Mrs. Ulrich then told her husband, Vaughn Ulrich, that appellant just shot Sherri and Greg Inman.   Vaughn Ulrich dressed and hurried to the Chamberlain residence which was about 100 yards from the Ulrich home.   As her husband left, Mrs. Ulrich called 911 to report that Terry Chamberlain had shot two victims.   Mr. Ulrich discovered the bodies of the victims about three minutes after the telephone call.   The handset of a wall-mounted telephone was found on the floor next to Sherri’s body.

No eyewitnesses and no physical evidence linked appellant to the murders.   No DNA testing was done on the blood samples to determine whether another person was possibly involved.   The only alleged link was the quoted conversation which the trial court admitted, over objection, as either an excited utterance or a dying declaration.


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