Marlin Joseph florida

Marlin Joseph Murders 2 In Florida

Marlin Joseph was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for two murders

According to court documents Marlin Joseph would shoot his girlfriend Kaladaa Crowell and her eleven year old daughter Kyra Kalis Inglett. Apparently Joseph was upset that his daughter and Kyra were arguing

Marlin Joseph would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

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Marlin Joseph florida

Marlin Joseph Now

DC Number: W49706
Birth Date: 09/17/1991
Initial Receipt Date: 11/25/2020
Current Facility: UNION C.I.
Current Custody: MAXIMUM
Current Release Date: DEATH SENTENCE

Marlin Joseph Case

A Florida man found guilty earlier this year in the fatal 2017 shootings of a woman and her 11-year-old daughter has been sentenced to death.

Marlin Joseph, 29, who earlier this year was convicted in the murders of Kaladaa Crowell and her daughter Kyra Kalis Inglett, was condemned to death by a circuit judge in Florida last week.

“Marlin Joseph, you have not only forfeited your right to live among us, but under the law of the state of Florida, you have forfeited your right to live at all,” Judge Cheryl Caracuzzo told Joseph after sentencing him at Palm Beach County Circuit Court on Thursday, according to the Palm Beach Post.

The fatal shooting occurred on December 28, 2017, the newspaper reported. Joseph opened fire on Crowell, 36, ultimately shooting her in the head, at a West Palm Beach home they shared. He then chased the woman’s 11-year-old daughter outside, shooting Kyra Kalis Inglett five times. Joseph later fled in Crowell’s car, according to detectives.

“Kyra was no doubt aware of her impending death,” Caracuzzo added. “There can be nothing more terrifying for a child than knowing that someone has just shot their mother multiple times and now was coming after them…There is no doubt that this panic-stricken little girl experienced a level of terror that no child or no one should ever have to endure.”

Joseph, who was living at the residence he shared with his mother and other family members, allegedly shot the woman and her daughter after a dispute arose between his and Crowell’s daughter, who were approximately the same age, according to the Palm Beach Post.

Crowell was reportedly dating Joseph’s mother at the time.

“Kyra did not deserve anything she got,” Kevlin Fedrick, the 11-year-old’s cousin said, WPEC reported. “Whether she had to listen to the gunshots ring out or had to run, she did not deserve that.”

The grieving relative described Joseph’s sentence as bittersweet.

“We can’t get back what was taken from us,” he added.

The family members, many of whom openly wept in court as the sentence was read, thanked prosecutors outside the courtroom while speaking with reporters.

“All of the support you’ve given to our family over these last three years, it helped us to get through it,” Lajunia Crowell, Kaladaa’s mother, told the Palm Beach Post.

A jury had convicted Joseph of two counts of first-degree murder and additional gun charges on Feb. 24, the newspaper previously reported.

In October, Crowell’s father compared Joseph to an “infectious disease” in court, calling him “an absolute evil person in its purest form,” according to the Palm Beach Post.

“You should be banished from this earth,” Kenneth Crowell said. “That way, no one else can be affected.”

At the same hearing, the condemned man’s family attempted to dissuade the judge from considering capital punishment.

“I love you forever,” Martin’s brother, Cordarious, said in court. “No death penalty is going to change that.”

The case marks the first time since 2002 Palm Beach County has sent a prisoner to death row.

Marlin Joseph News

On January 18, 2018, Marlin Joseph was indicted for two counts of first-degree murder with a firearm related to the deaths of Kaladaa Crowell and her 11-year-old daughter, Kyra Inglett. The incident in this case occurred on December 28, 2017. The evidence presented at trial established that at that time, Joseph resided in a home in West Palm Beach with his mother, Robin Denson; Denson’s girlfriend, Crowell; Crowell’s daughter, Kyra; and Joseph’s three brothers, Parice Joseph, Patrick Joseph, and Cordarius Joseph. Also staying at the home at the time was Joseph’s eight-year-old daughter, Kamare Canty, and Jeshema Tarver, Denson’s goddaughter. Earlier in the day, an incident occurred between Kyra and Kamare. Kamare asked Kyra and Jeshema to sit on her back because it was hurting. Kamare then told Kyra and Jeshema to get off her back because they were hurting her, but Kyra had trouble getting off Kamare. Jeshema testified at trial that another incident had occurred on December 23, 2017 (two days before Christmas and five days before the shootings), and she heard Joseph yelling to Denson about Kyra saying she “ha[d] one more time to make [him] mad or to bother, she needs to leave my daughter alone.”

Marlin Joseph was also indicted for felon in possession of a firearm, which charge was bifurcated for trial.

For clarity, Marlin Joseph’s brothers will be referred to by their first names because they share the same last name as Joseph.

Later in the day on December 28, 2017, Parice and Patrick picked Denson up at the end of her workday, and Denson went grocery shopping before returning home. Present in the home when they arrived were Joseph, Crowell, Kyra, Kamare, Cordarius, and Jeshema. Joseph helped bring in the groceries and then was reading his Bible in the room he shared with Patrick, and Cordarius and the girls (Kamare, Kyra, and Jeshema) were sitting on the couch in the living room. The girls were laughing, talking, and on their phones. Crowell was folding clothes in the room she shared with Denson. After Denson arrived home, she had a conversation with Joseph in the living room area about a text message he received from Crowell, who was still in her room. During this conversation, Joseph brought up Kamare’s mother asking whether she was coming to pick Kamare up. Denson testified that Joseph was not upset but was being disrespectful about Kamare’s mother. Joseph started using expletives in reference to Kamare’s mother, and Denson told him to calm down because she did not want the kids to hear that kind of language. After the conversation with Joseph, Denson walked outside to the porch where Parice and Cordarius were. Cordarius was outside the home waiting for his girlfriend to pick him up. Denson took Cordarius aside, and they went to the sidewalk in front of the home while Parice stayed on the porch.

Jeshema went to take a shower, and she heard arguing between Joseph and Crowell. Jeshema heard Marlin Joseph say to Crowell, “Why is your daughter [Kyra] being mean to my daughter [Kamare], she didn’t do anything wrong.” Jeshema exited the shower after hearing three loud bangs. She heard Crowell screaming and crying, asking for someone to call 911. Jeshema then heard another bang. She opened the bathroom door, and Kamare told her Crowell and Kyra had been shot. Jeshema walked out to blood all over the floor and Crowell flat on her face. Jeshema and Kamare went into Kyra’s room and hid under the bed. Kamare called 911 using Marlin Joseph’s phone.

Parice heard gunshots while sitting on the front porch. He saw Kyra run outside, looking backwards. Marlin Joseph came outside after Kyra. Parice tackled Joseph because he was scared after hearing the gunshots. Parice saw Joseph with a gun in his hand. Parice attempted to get the gun from Joseph but was unsuccessful. Parice saw Joseph run back into the home while Kyra was lying on the walkway. Parice ran to go check on Denson and Cordarius down the street. Joseph exited the home again and drove off in Crowell’s car. Parice testified at trial that he did not see anyone shoot Crowell or Kyra, but he also saw Joseph with a gun a couple of days prior. Besides Joseph, Parice did not see anyone else with a gun.

While outside, Denson and Cordarius also heard gunshots coming from inside the home, and Cordarius told Denson to run. Cordarius saw Kyra come outside and fall to the ground. Cordarius did not see Joseph chasing Kyra. Denson ended up on the ground in her neighbor’s yard; Patrick later picked her up off the ground. Patrick was crying and told Denson that Crowell had been shot. Denson went to the front of the home and saw Kyra on the sidewalk. Kyra was not moving but was breathing. Denson ran inside with Parice and saw Crowell on the floor in between the living room and dining room area. Denson checked for a pulse, but Crowell was unresponsive. Denson did not see Parice, Patrick, or Cordarius with a gun. She also did not see Joseph with a gun and did not see him at all during the incident.

Marlin Joseph was the only person not at the scene when police arrived. Officer Ryan Forbes, the first responding officer, arrived at the scene and saw Kyra on the sidewalk with a gunshot wound to her head. She was breathing but would not talk back to him. Officer Forbes went inside to find a lifeless Crowell on the ground. Unlike Crowell, Kyra showed signs of life when police and medical personnel arrived—she had a pulse and was breathing. Kyra was transported to the hospital but died hours later. She never regained consciousness from the time police found her at the crime scene to when she died. Crowell and Kyra each died from gunshot wounds. Five spent cartridge casings were found outside the home, and four spent casings were found inside the home. The State’s firearms expert opined that the casings were fired from the same firearm. A firearm was never found.

The medical examiner testified concerning his autopsies of Crowell and Kyra. Crowell sustained several gunshot wounds to various parts of her body—the back of her right hand (defensive wound), her belly, left calf, chest, the back of her head, and forehead. The wound to Crowell’s forehead was fatal; the bullet broke her skull and destroyed her brain. Kyra also sustained several gunshot wounds to various parts of her body—left buttock, lower back, the side of her head, and the back of her head. The wound to the back of Kyra’s head was fatal; the bullet entered the back of her head and exited her forehead, damaging her skull and brain.

Later that night, Denson, Parice, Patrick, and Cordarius went to the police station to give statements. Detective Paul Creelman, the lead detective in this case, interviewed Denson, Parice, and Cordarius; and Parice and Cordarius identified Marlin Joseph as the shooter. Joseph’s family members recanted in their trial testimony regarding their prior statements to the police. However, the State introduced Parice’s and Cordarius’ identifications of Joseph as the shooter through Detective Creelman’s testimony. Specifically, Detective Creelman testified, “Cordarius told me that his brother, Marlin Joseph, had shot Kyra.” Detective Creelman also testified that “Parice told me his brother, Marlin Joseph,” was the shooter. Joseph was later found in Lake Worth and taken into custody on January 2, 2018.

On February 24, 2020, a jury found Marlin Joseph guilty of first-degree murder with a firearm on both counts. The penalty phase of the trial began the same day with the same jury. The State presented two witnesses—Joseph’s then-probation officer and a latent print examiner. Through these witnesses, the State introduced evidence of Joseph’s prior conviction for battery on a child. The defense called 15 witnesses, most of whom were lay witnesses.

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