Sidney Gleason Murders 2 In Kansas

Sidney Gleason was sentenced to death by the State of Kansas for a double murder

According to court documents Sidney Gleason, Damien Thompson and Mikiala “Miki” Martinez would pull off a robbery

Soon after Gleason and Damien Thompson believed that Mikiala “Miki” Martinez was talking to the police regarding the robbery so they would kidnap her and her boyfriend Darren Wornkey. Soon after the two men would murder the couple

Damien Thompson would plead guilty and would be sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years

Sidney Gleason would go to trial, be convicted and sentenced to death

Sidney Gleason Photos

Sidney Gleason Kansas

Sidney Gleason FAQ

Where Is Sidney Gleason Now

Gleason is incarcerated at the El Dorado Correctional Facility

When Is Sidney Gleason Execution

Gleason execution has yet to be scheduled

Sidney Gleason Case

A jury convicted Gleason of capital murder for the killings of Darren Wornkey and his girlfriend, Mikiala “Miki” Martinez, as well as premeditated first-degree murder for killing Wornkey, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated robbery, and criminal possession of a firearm. In a separate penalty phase, the same jury sentenced Gleason to death for the capital offense. See K.S.A. 21–3439(a)(6) (defining capital murder as the “intentional and premediated killing of more than one person as a part of the same act or transaction or in two or more acts or transactions connected together or constituting parts of a common scheme or course of conduct”).

These crimes were more fully detailed in our earlier decision. See Gleason I, 299 Kan. at 1134–46. As explained there, Gleason and Damien Thompson were involved with Martinez in an aggravated robbery. Fearing that Martinez was talking with law enforcement about the robbery, Gleason and Thompson tried to intimidate her. In doing so, Gleason shot and killed Wornkey. A short time later, Thompson shot and killed Martinez. After their arrests, Thompson agreed to plead guilty to the first-degree murder of Martinez, disclose the location of her body, and testify against Gleason. In return, the State agreed to recommend certain sentencing terms and dismiss the remaining charges against Thompson. This resulted in Thompson receiving a sentence of life imprisonment with no possibility of parole for 25 years.

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