James Brownfield Murders 3 In Alabama

James Brownfield was sentenced to death by the State of Alabama for a triple murder

According to court documents James Brownfield would get into an argument with his sister regarding drugs and money which ended with him killing her, her husband and her grandson. Brenda McCutchin, his brother-in-law, Latham McCutchin, and his sister’s 3-year-old grandson, Joshua Hodges would be found dead inside of the home

James Brownfield would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

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James Brownfield alabama

James Brownfield FAQ

Where Is James Brownfield Now

James Brownfield is incarcerated at Holman Prison

James Brownfield Case

“At some time in the late evening hours of December 23, 2001, or the early morning hours of December 24, 2001, Brenda Whitehead McCutchen, Joshua Dewayne Hodges, and Latham Durwood McCutchen were murdered in their homes in Scottsboro, Alabama. At the time of their deaths, Brenda was forty-seven years old, Joshua was three years old, and Latham was sixty-four years old.

“After consuming Xanax pills on the night of December 23, 2001, the twenty-seven year old defendant, James Ben Brownfield, Jr., became enraged with his sister, Brenda Whitehead McCutchen, over drugs and money. While Brenda and her grandson, Joshua Dewayne Hodges, were sleeping in their bed, the defendant decided to kill his sister and her estranged husband, Latham Durwood McCutchen. The defendant took a claw hammer into the room where Brenda and Joshua were sleeping and hit Brenda with it. When the defendant hit Brenda, Joshua awoke crying. At that time, the defendant began hitting both Brenda and Joshua with the claw hammer. Brenda suffered approximately twenty forceful blows to the head and other injuries to her body. Joshua suffered approximately sixteen blows to the head and other injuries to his body. Both Brenda and Joshua died from multiple blunt-force injuries. Before he left Brenda’s house, the defendant attempted to burn the house with kerosene and a cigarette.

“After killing Brenda and Joshua, the defendant took the claw hammer and a set of clean clothes and drove across town to the residence of his brother-in-law, Latham Durwood McCutchen. The defendant initially pretended a friendly visit with Latham but later inside the residence, the defendant informed Latham that he was going to kill him. The defendant and Latham struggled for the claw hammer with the defendant subduing Latham by hitting him with his fists and the hammer. Latham suffered numerous injuries. He suffered at least ten forceful blows to the head with the claw hammer, bruising to the lower chest, arms, and hands, fractured ribs and a fractured vertebra. Later, the defendant stabbed Latham in the heart and cut his throat with a knife. Latham died from multiple blunt-force injuries. After killing Latham, the defendant showered and dressed in the clean clothes. He gathered the soiled clothes, claw hammer, and knife and placed them in a garbage bag that he found at Latham’s house.

“The defendant left Latham’s house and went to a Christmas party where he saw friends and acquaintances. He told his friend, Nick Logan, that he was moving to Tennessee because he and Brenda had argued and she had kicked him out of the house. Later, the defendant left the party and drove toward Tennessee to Stevenson, Alabama. He placed the garbage bag of evidence in a dumpster in Stevenson and drove back to Scottsboro. The defendant had contact with friends throughout the day of December 24, 2001. The night of December 24, 2001, the defendant went to Tammy Farmer’s apartment. During conversations with Tammy, his girlfriend, the defendant confessed to the murders of Brenda, Joshua, and Latham.

“Concerned about his father, Rodney McCutchen traveled to Latham McCutchen’s house. Rodney and his son found the body of Latham and called 911. The Scottsboro Police Department immediately began an investigation into the death of Latham. During the investigation, they obtained information that implicated Brenda McCutchen and her brother, the defendant, James Ben Brownfield, Jr. On the morning of December 25, 2001, the Scottsboro Police Department obtained a search warrant to search the home of Brenda McCutchen. Upon searching the home, the police discovered the bodies of Brenda and her grandson, Joshua. The Scottsboro Police Department intensified their search for Brenda’s car and the defendant.

“At approximately 10:00 A.M. on December 25, 2001, the Scottsboro Police Department located Brenda’s car and the defendant at the apartment of defendant’s girlfriend, Tammy Farmer. The defendant was apprehended and transported to the Scottsboro Police Department. On December 25 and 26, 2001, the defendant gave Investigators Robert Petty and Doug Hood of the Scottsboro Police Department a statement of confession to the murders.”

(C. 345-347.) The trial court also noted that the evidence indicated that James Brownfield wrote messages on the walls of both residences: At Latham’s house Brownfield wrote “This was necessary Ben. I’m sorry for your family. They deserved it.” (C. 351);1 and at Brenda’s residence those messages were throughout the house and included comments such as “ ‘Fuck this God,’ ‘Fuck this world,’ ‘I’ll be dead too,’ ‘It’s about to pick up,’ ‘Don’t look for me,’ ‘Tammy I love you Always Never 4-get Baby,’ ‘Killing is my business,’ and ‘My whole life I have been ran over. It’s stopping now.’ ” (C. 353.)


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