Steven Bixby Murders 2 Officers In South Carolina

Steven Bixby was sentenced to death by the State of South Carolina for the murders of two police officers

According to court documents Arthur Bixby was upset that a construction project was going to affect his property and threatened violence. The police were called and a standoff with Arthur, his wife Rita and his son Steven Bixby occurred.

Two officers: Abbeville County Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Daniel “Danny Boy” Wilson and State Constable Donnie Ouzts would be fatally shot

Steven would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Steven Bixby Photos

Steven Bixby south carolina

Steven Bixby FAQ

Where Is Steven Bixby Now

Steven Bixby is incarcerated at Broad River Correctional Institution

Steven Bixby Case

An Abbeville man was convicted Sunday night of murdering two law enforcement officers in 2003 after becoming irate the state was obtaining land near his parents’ home for a road project.

Steven Bixby faces the death penalty when sentencing begins Monday for the shooting deaths of the officers in Abbeville. He showed not reaction when the verdicts were read Sunday night.

The jury reached its verdict in two hours and 20 minutes.

According to testimony in his trial, the 39-year-old Bixby had stockpiled shotguns and ammunition in his parents’ home and told a former girlfriend he was ready for a fight. Later, he bragged in a letter that he could have killed more people.

The family was upset the state wanted about 20 feet of land near their home to widen a highway.

Abbeville County sheriff’s Sergeant Danny Wilson was the first to die in the shootings at the Bixby home. State Constable Donnie Ouzts was shot when he arrived to check on Wilson.

Police surrounded the house for the rest of the day and the standoff finally ended after hundreds of rounds were exchanged.

Bixby’s parents, Arthur and Rita, also are charged in the case and are awaiting trial.

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