Coy Wesbrook Executed For 5 Murders In Texas

Coy Wesbrook was executed by the State of Texas for five murders

According to court documents Coy Wesbrook killed his ex-wife, Gloria Jean Coons, 32; her roommate, Diana Ruth Money, 43; and three men: Antonio Cruz, 35, Anthony Ray Rogers, 41, and Kelly Hazlip, 28.

Coy Wesbook believed that him and his ex wife were in the process of restarting their relationship but when he saw her with another man he snapped

Coy Wesbrook would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Coy Wesbrook would be executed on March 10 2016 by lethal injection

Coy Wesbrook Photos

Coy Wesbrook texas

Coy Wesbrook FAQ

When Was Coy Wesbrook Executed

Coy Wesbrook was executed on March 10 2016

Coy Westbrook Case

Around two o’clock in the morning, on November 13, 1997, 9-1-1 operators in Harris County received several calls reporting the sound of gunshots coming from a downstairs apartment in a small complex located in the eastern portion of the county. Five shots were heard within approximately forty seconds. Neighbors, either already awake or awakened by the gunshots, rushed outside to find one man lying on the ground and appellant, armed with a hunting rifle, exiting the apartment. Neighbors described appellant as calm as he walked to his truck, placed the gun inside the cab, and then stood by the tailgate where he waited for the sheriff’s deputies to arrive. As appellant (Coy Wesbrook) waited, he was overheard making comments like, “I did it. I did it. Let’s get it over with,” or “I did what I had to do.” Appellant continued to make similar statements, some of which could be heard on various 9-1-1 calls made from the crime scene that night.

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The first deputy on the scene found appellant waiting patiently and also observed a male figure, obviously deceased, lying on the ground nearby. Appellant peacefully complied with law enforcement demands as he was taken into custody. When law enforcement officers looked inside the apartment, they saw the bodies of a woman lying on a couch and a man in a kneeling position on the floor next to a second couch. A fourth victim, still alive, lay on the floor. When the deputy asked appellant who was inside, he replied, “My ex-wife, that’s who I came here to get.”2 Stepping inside, the deputy found appellant’s estranged wife, also still alive, in the bedroom. Coy Wesbrook, who was handcuffed at this point, was questioned about the location of the gun. He indicated with his head and said, “It’s in my truck.” With appellant’s consent, investigators searched the truck and recovered the weapon. A search of the grounds outside the apartment turned up a live round consistent with the bullet used in appellant’s rifle. A firearms expert testified that appellant’s gun was capable of holding five rounds, four in the magazine and one in the chamber.

The female victim on the couch, Ruth Money, was believed by investigators to have been shot first. She sustained a single wound to her chest from a bullet fired in a downward trajectory that exited her lower back. The second person shot was either the victim found outside, Anthony Rogers, or the victim found inside kneeling next to the couch, Antonio Cruz. Rogers was hit with a bullet that passed through his right arm, entered his chest, struck his right lung, and exited the body. Evidence indicated that he was shot either just before he attempted to exit the apartment door or as he was exiting. Cruz was killed by a bullet fired into his ear that severed his spinal cord and exited the back of his neck. The two remaining victims were believed to have been shot in the apartment bedroom from a distance of approximately two to four feet. The last male victim, Kelly Hazlip, was shot in the abdomen from a distance of about two feet. Hazlip survived for five days before dying. Appellant’s estranged wife, who died shortly after emergency personnel arrived, appears to have held her hand up in a defensive gesture just before appellant fired. That hand suffered extensive damage as the bullet passed through. Bullet and bone fragments were then blown back into her face, neck and the right half of her chest and shoulder.

Coy Wesbrook, the only surviving witness to the shooting, testified on his own behalf to explain the sequence of events that night. Appellant told the jury that he and his estranged wife, Gloria Coons, had separated, but he had arrived at her apartment after she had given indications of reconciliation. He had hoped she would be alone but, instead, he found Coons with her roommate, Ruth Money, and two male friends, Kelly Hazlip and Anthony Rogers. It was apparent that all had been drinking extensively. Appellant agreed to sit down and drink with the group even though he claimed he was uncomfortable with the situation. Antonio Cruz arrived a short time later.3 Eventually, the subject of conversation in the group turned to that of a sexual nature and culminated with appellant’s estranged wife walking into her bedroom with Hazlip. After a few moments,

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Anthony Rogers joined them. A short time later she reappeared with Rogers, whose pants were unzipped, announced that she had just provided him with oral sex, and she was about to have sex with Hazlip who was still in the bedroom.

At this point, as appellant testified, he was humiliated by this behavior and left the apartment to get in his truck and leave. Antonio Cruz followed, briefly talked with appellant, and eventually grabbed the truck’s keys as appellant tried to start the vehicle. Cruz kept the keys and reentered the apartment.4 Appellant grabbed his hunting rifle and followed to get the keys back. Once inside, appellant claimed he was verbally harassed, threatened, and physically abused by those present. He testified that Ruth Money threw a beer at him, and he fired the gun at her in response. Rogers and Cruz, according to appellant, then rushed toward him, and he shot both men. Finally, appellant entered the bedroom, saw Coons and Hazlip still having sex and shot both. In his defense, appellant told the jury that he “lost it” and had no intention of killing any of the people inside that apartment.

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