Steven Spears Executed For Sherri Holland Murder

Steven Spears was executed by the State of Georgia for the murder of Sherri Holland

According to court documents Steven Spears would break into the home of his ex girlfriend Sherri Holland and would wait for four hours in a closet for her to come home. When she would arrive home and fell asleep Spears would suffocate the woman

Spears would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Steven Spears would be executed by lethal injection on November 17 2016

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When Was Steven Spears Executed

Steven Spears was executed on November 17 2016

Steven Spears Case

The state of Georgia executed a man who confessed to killing his girlfriend in 2001 and never attempted to appeal his death sentence, correctional officials said Wednesday.

The execution of Steven Spears, for suffocating his ex-girlfriend after waiting in her closet for four hours before she fell asleep, is the first in the state’s history to never be appealed a single time. It was Georgia’s eighth lethal injection of 2016

Spears’ lawyer, with whom he refused to meet, and his third ex-wife, Gwen Thompson, attempted to file appeals on his behalf, saying he was not competent to make decisions and should not be executed.

Thompson dropped the appeal after the psychologist she hired interviewed Spears on Tuesday and reported he was competent. Hours later, the State Board of Pardons and Paroles denied appeals filed on his behalf, declining to stop the execution.

Spears refused to appeal the death sentence, he said, because he did not want to stay alive in jail and never denied murdering his ex-girlfriend, Sherri Holland.

Ten days after killing Holland in 2001, Spears was picked up by police while on the way to turn himself in.

Spears confessed, saying he’d broken into her house and waited for four hours in her closet until she fell asleep. Then he choked her until she was unconscious, wrapped duct tape around her face, put her head in a plastic bag and taped it shut.

He told investigators that he’d warned her he would “choke her… to death” if they broke up and she got a new boyfriend — saying he “loved her that much” and that he’d do it again if he had to.

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