Jan Brawner Executed For 4 Mississippi Murders

Jan Brawner was executed by the State of Mississippi for the murders of four people

According to court documents Jan Brawner would go to the home of his ex wife and murder four people: his daughter, Paige, his ex-wife, Barbara Craft, and her parents, Carl and Jane Craft

Jan Brawner would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Jan Brawner would be executed by lethal injection on June 12 2012

Jan Brawner Photos

Jan Brawner execution

Jan Brawner FAQ

When Was Jan Brawner Executed

Jan Brawner was executed on June 12 2012

Jan Brawner Case

Mississippi executed a man Tuesday for fatally shooting his 3-year-old daughter, his ex-wife and her parents in a crime in which authorities say he also stole his slain mother-in-law’s wedding ring and used it to propose marriage to his girlfriend.

Jan Michael Brawner, 34, was pronounced dead at 6:18 p.m. CDT after receiving a chemical injection at the Mississippi State Penitentiary at Parchman.

Brawner had admitted to the killings and said he didn’t deserve to live after shooting his daughter, Paige, his ex-wife, Barbara Craft, and her parents, Carl and Jane Craft, at their house on April 25, 2001.

In his final statement, Brawner said he wished to apologize to the victims’ family, adding he could not change what he had done. “Maybe this will bring you a little peace. Thank you,” he said as he lay strapped to a gurney.

When the drugs were administered, he appeared to take a deep breath. His mouth opened wide for a moment and then his head tilted to the side.

A brother of Brawner’s ex-wife witnessed the execution. None of his relatives were present.

Kathy Jaco Sigler, Jane Craft’s sister, issued a statement afterward saying her family will never understand why the killings happened and referred to Christian scripture.

“Man has a choice of good and evil. Michael chose evil while my family chose good. God’s peace prevails over this evil because we know in our hearts that my sister and her family dwell in heaven with the Lord,” the statement said.

Before the execution, Brawner appeared talkative and said he deserved to die for what he’d done, Corrections Commissioner Chris Epps said.

Brawner also said he wasn’t on drugs or alcohol when he killed, but snapped under the stress of a divorce and restraining order, according to Epps.


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