Lloyd Hampton Executed For Roy Pendleton Murder

Lloyd Hampton was executed by the State of Illinois for the murder of Roy Pendleton

According to court documents Lloyd Hampton would torture and murder Roy Pendleton in a hotel room that Pendleton called home

Lloyd Hampton would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Lloyd Hampton would be executed by lethal injection on January 21 1998

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Lloyd Hampton Case

Lloyd Wayne Hampton, who five years ago forced his execution to be called off at the last minute by filing an appeal, was put to death by lethal injection early Wednesday at Stateville Correctional Center outside Joliet.

Hampton, the 11th person executed under Illinois’ 1977 death penalty law, went to his death accepting full responsibility for his criminal acts.

“I offer no excuses for the things I have done or have not done,” he said Tuesday.”The reasons are irrelevant.

“I’ve been running from myself since I was a small boy in Texas, and my 44 years have been filled with intense anger and rage. I blame no one but myself, and I hope my loved ones will forgive me for the sorrow I have caused them. If God feels I am worthy of his forgiveness, I’ll soon be with my grandparents, brother and daughter.”

The Texas-born drifter confessed in 1990 to torturing, robbing and murdering a 69-year-old widower in a Downstate motel room. Hampton told a judge he wanted to be executed and waived his right to all but one appeal.

He wrote letters to Madison County prosecutors promising to kill a jail guard if he were not executed, and he told court officials that he enjoyed killing Roy E. “Jasper” Pendleton and felt no remorse

But after visiting with his sister and several friends hours before his first scheduled execution on Nov. 11, 1992, Hampton expressed a change of heart and had his court-appointed attorney file an appeal. That put the execution on hold.

Two attorneys, one of whom is a board member of the Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty, visited with Hampton on Tuesday. No members of Hampton’s family had asked to witness the 12:01 a.m. execution, according to Department of Corrections spokesman Nic Howell.

Condemned prisoners traditionally are allowed to choose a last meal, but Hampton wanted only Coca-Cola and unfiltered Camel cigarettes. In 1992, he requested coffee and cigarettes.

On Feb. 8, 1990, Hampton gained access to Pendleton’s motel room by asking to use the bathroom. Pendleton had been preparing to make a trip to Las Vegas to visit his dying brother.

Lloyd Hampton tied the retired janitor with ropes and a nylon dog leash. He taped his mouth shut and tried to suffocate him. He burned his eyelids with a cigarette. He stabbed him in the forehead and left the butcher knife protruding from Pendleton’s neck.

After leaving with the victim’s suitcase, microwave and a $500 check that he forced Pendleton to make out to him, Hampton drove to a bar, where he tried to cash the check and bought everyone a round of drinks.

He was arrested the next day at a truck stop in Troy, driving Pendleton’s car


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