Timothy McCorquodale Executed For Torture Murder

Timothy McCorquodale was executed by the State of Louisiana for the torture murder of a runaway girl

According to court documents Timothy McCorquodale and a man named Leroy would pick up two teenagers in a bar, one of them being seventeen year old Donna Marie Dixon.

Donna Marie Dixon and her friend would be raped by both men and Donna would be tortured before she was murdered by strangulation and dumped on the side of the road

Leroy was never identified and never caught for the murder

Timothy McCorquodale would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Timothy McCorquodale would be executed by way of the electric chair on October 21 1987

Timothy McCorquodale Photos

Timothy McCorquodale

Timothy McCorquodale FAQ

When was Timothy McCorquodale executed

Timothy McCorquodale was executed on October 21 1987

How was Timothy McCorquodale executed

Timothy McCorquodale was executed by way of the electric chair

Timothy McCorquodale Case

The state presented evidence to establish the following facts: On the evening of January 16, 1974, Donna, the victim, a 17-year-old girl, and her friend, Pamela Pharris, were in the area of Peachtree and 10th Street in the City of Atlanta known as “The Strip.” While in a restaurant they were accosted by a man named Leroy who invited them to a bar for a beer. While in the bar the two girls engaged in a conversation with two black men. Leroy left the bar and the girls later went to another bar on “The Strip.” Leroy met them at this bar, approached their table and accused Donna and Pamela of stealing $40 or $50 from him and giving the money to a black pimp. At this point they were joined by the defendant Timothy McCorquodale and his girlfriend, Bonnie Succaw (now Johnson). At the request of Leroy and Timothy McCorquodale the girls were taken to a bathroom and searched by Bonnie and a friend. They found no money. McCorquodale and Leroy then summoned a cab, and joined by Bonnie, they took Donna with them to Bonnie’s apartment. They arrived at Bonnie’s apartment shortly after midnight and found Bonnie’s roommate, Linda, and Bonnie’s three-year-old daughter asleep. The appellant McCorquodale had lived some eight months prior to this time in the apartment with Bonnie. Linda joined them in the living room of Bonnie’s apartment and at this point there was some conversation between McCorquodale and Leroy about Donna being a “nigger lover” and that she needed to be taught a lesson.

The appellant, after telling Donna how pretty she was, raised his fist and hit her across the face. When she stood up, he grabbed her by her blouse, ripping it off. He then proceeded to remove her bra and tied her hands behind her back with a nylon stocking. McCorquodale then removed his belt, which was fastened with a rather large buckle, and repeatedly struck Donna across the back with the buckle end of the belt. He then took off all her clothing and then bound her mouth with tape and a washcloth. Leroy then kicked Donna and she fell to the floor. McCorquodale took his cigarette and burned the victim on the breasts, the thigh, and the navel. He then bit one of Donna’s nipples and she began to bleed. He asked for a razor blade and then sliced the other nipple. He then called for a box of salt and poured it into the wounds he had made on her breasts. At this point Linda, who was eight months pregnant, became ill and went into the bedroom and closed the door. McCorquodale then lit a candle and proceeded to drip hot wax over Donna’s body. He held the candle about 1/2 inch from Donna’s vagina and dripped the hot wax into this part of her body. He then used a pair of surgical scissors to cut around the victim’s clitoris.

While bleeding from her nose and vagina, Leroy forced the victim to perform oral sex on him while McCorquodale had intercourse with her. Then Leroy had intercourse with the victim while McCorquodale forced his penis into the victim’s mouth. McCorquodale then found a hard plastic bottle which was about 5 inches in height and placed an antiseptic solution within it, forcing this bottle into Donna’s vagina and squirted the solution into her. The victim was then permitted to go to the bathroom to “get cleaned up.” While she was in the bathroom, McCorquodale secured a piece of nylon rope and told Bonnie and her roommate that he was going “to kill the girl.” He hid in a closet across the hall from the bathroom and when Donna came out of the bathroom he wrapped the nylon cord around her neck. Donna screamed, “My God, you’re killing me.” As McCorquodale tried to strangle her, the cord cut into his hands and Donna fell to the floor. He fell on top of her and began to strangle her with his bare hands. He removed his hands and the victim began to have convulsions. He again strangled her and then pulled her head up and forward to break her neck. He covered her lifeless body with a sheet and departed the apartment to search for a means of transporting her body from the scene. By this time, it was approximately 6:00 a. m. on the morning of January 17.

McCorquodale soon returned to the apartment and asked Bonnie for her trunk and Leroy and McCorquodale tried to place Donna’s body in the trunk. Finding that the body was too large for the trunk McCorquodale proceeded to break Donna’s arms and legs by holding them upright while he stomped on them with his foot. Donna’s body was then placed in the trunk and the trunk was placed in the closet behind the curtains. McCorquodale and Leroy then went to sleep on the couch in the living room for the greater portion of the day, leaving the apartment sometime during the afternoon.

Because a strong odor began to emanate from the body, and her efforts to mask the smell with deodorant spray had been unsuccessful, Linda called Bonnie to request that Timothy McCorquodale remove the trunk from the apartment. Shortly after 8:00 p. m. Timothy McCorquodale arrived at the apartment with a person named Larry. As they attempted to move the trunk from the closet, blood began spilling from the trunk onto the living room floor. McCorquodale placed a towel under the trunk to absorb the blood as they carried the trunk to Larry’s car. When Timothy McCorquodale and Larry returned to the apartment they told Linda that the body had been dumped out of the trunk into a road and that the trunk was placed under some boxes in a “Dempsey Dumpster.” Donna’s body was found about half a mile off Highway No. 42 in Clayton County.


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