Derek Barnabei Executed For Sarah Wisnosky Murder

Derek Barnabei was executed by the State of Virginia for Sarah Wisnosky

According to court documents Derek Barnabei was dating 17-year-old Old Dominion University freshman Sarah Wisnosky. Sarah would disappear and her body would later be found nude. The teen had been sexually assaulted and beaten to death with a hammer

Derek Barnabei would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Derek Barnabei would be executed by lethal injection on September 14 2000

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Derek Barnabei virginia execution

Derek Barnabei FAQ

When Was Derek Barnabei Executed

Derek Barnabei was executed on September 14 2000

Derek Barnabei Case

Statement by Governor Gilmore Regarding Execution of Derek Rocco Barnabei and DNA Tests of Victim’s Fingernails – DNA Tests Confirm Barnabei’s Guilt.

“After a jury trial of 11 days, Derek Rocco Barnabei was convicted of capital murder and rape of 17-year-old Sarah Wisnosky. After hearing additional evidence related to aggravating and mitigating circumstances, the same jury sentenced Barnabei to death and the presiding judge affirmed the sentence. “The evidence was overwhelming that Barnabei raped and murdered Sarah Wisnosky. Two separate DNA tests performed during the original investigation revealed that Barnabei’s semen was present in the victim. DNA tests also showed that no other person’s semen was present. An autopsy confirmed the sexual intercourse was by force. DNA tests also confirmed Ms. Wisnosky’s blood was on Barnabei’s bed and throughout his room. In addition, Barnabei fled Norfolk in the hours before Ms. Wisnosky’s body was found and thereafter lived under an assumed name. Based on a review of all of this evidence, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled that the evidence ‘admits of no real uncertainty on the question whether Barnabei raped Sarah Wisnosky.’ “Last week, in of an abundance of caution, I directed the Virginia Division of Forensic Science to perform additional DNA tests on fingernail clippings taken from Ms. Wisnosky’s hands. Barnabei, through his attorneys, requested this testing on the theory that Ms. Wisnosky scratched her attacker as she was choked.

“Pursuant to an Order of the Norfolk Circuit Court, the evidence envelopes containing Ms. Wisnosky’s fingernails were delivered to the Virginia Division of Forensic Science. Dr. Paul Ferrara, Director of the Division of Forensic Science, advised me that the fingernail clippings were received uncompromised, in their original sealed and secured envelopes, one containing clippings from the left hand and one from the right. Dr. Ferrara further advised that the envelope seals displayed the initials of the examiner who originally reviewed the fingernail clippings and secured them in the envelopes. That seal was secure and unopened. Based on Dr. Ferrara’s opinion, I directed DNA tests on the fingernail clippings to proceed. “The Division of Forensic Science has concluded its DNA tests and has presented the test results to me today, September 11, 2000. The new DNA tests reveal that Ms. Wisnosky’s fingernails contained her own DNA and the DNA of one other person. The Division of Forensic Science ran the DNA profile of the second individual through the Commonwealth’s DNA data bank. The search revealed a positive match with one and only one individual — Derek Rocco Barnabei. “This DNA test result confirms that Derek Rocco Barnabei is guilty of the rape and murder of Sarah Wisnosky and vindicates the jury’s verdict, as well as the numerous appellate court rulings upholding the jury. “I extend my heartfelt sympathy to Ms. Wisnosky’s family for their loss and for any pain caused by this clemency process.

“Now that the guilt of Barnabei has been confirmed, there remains the generalized assault on capital punishment by many in this country and foreign countries. I believe we are entitled to set a moral standard that violent murder will not be tolerated by a civilized people. The rule of law requires that at some point the community is likewise entitled to justice. “Based upon a thorough review of the DNA test results confirming Barnabei’s guilt, the numerous court decisions in this case, and the circumstances of this matter, I decline to intervene in the case of Derek Rocco Barnabei.”

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