Brandon McInerney Murders Larry King

Brandon McInerney was a fourteen year old teen killer from California who would murder fifteen year old Larry King at their school E.O. Green Junior High

According to court documents Larry King was an openly gay fifteen year old who would make a number of passes at fourteen year old Brandon McInerney. Apparently Brandon felt embarrassed regarding Larry King behavior towards him

Brandon McInerney would come back to school the next day armed with a handgun. Shortly after the bell he would walk up behind Larry King and shoot the teen twice in the head. Larry King would die two days later in the hospital

Brandon McInerney would be arrested and charged with the murder. During the first trial the jury was unable to reach a verdict and a mistrial was declared. Before the second trial could begin Brandon would plead guilty to second-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter and use of a firearm. He would be sentenced to 21 years in prison

Brandon McInerney Now

CDCR NumberAK7143
Admission Date01/26/2012
Current LocationFolsom State Prison
Location LinkDirections
Parole Eligible Date (Month/Year)12/2025

Brandon McInerney Case

California teenager Brandon McInerney, who pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in the killing of a gay student, was sentenced Monday to 21 years in prison.

McInerney, now 17, didn’t speak at the proceeding but his lawyer said the teen is deeply remorseful for his actions.

McInerney pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter and use of a firearm as part of a plea deal reached in November.

McInerney was 14-years-old when he pulled a gun out of his backpack and fatally shot 15-year-old Larry King at point-blank range at the E.O. Green Junior High School in 2008.

Brandon McInerney, 17, didn’t speak at the hearing but his lawyer Scott Wippert said his client was sorry for killing 15-year-old Larry King

“He feels deeply remorseful and stated repeatedly if he could go back and take back what he did he would do it in a heartbeat, Wippert said.

King’s family said they couldn’t forgive their son’s killer.

“You took upon yourself to be a bully and to hate a smaller kid, wanting to be the big man on campus,”‘ King’s father, Greg King, said on behalf of his wife. “`You have left a big hole in my heart where Larry was and it can never be filled.”‘

A mistrial was declared in September after a hung jury couldn’t decide on murder or manslaughter.

McInerney then pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter, and in return, prosecutors agreed not to go forward with the second trial, which could have ended with a life sentence for the 17-year-old.

Leading up to the February 2008 killing, teachers and students saw a dispute growing between the victim and McInerney, who shot King twice in the head in a computer lab at E.O Green Junior High. .

McInerney, then 14, had reached an emotional breaking point after King made repeated, unwanted sexual advances toward him and other boys, defense lawyers said. In the weeks leading up to the shooting, school administrators allowed King to wear heels and makeup because federal law provides the right of students to express their sexual orientation.

Prosecutors said the shooting in front of stunned classmates was first-degree murder and that McInerney should be punished as an adult. They argued the shooting was a hate crime, an aspect jurors rejected, after authorities found white supremacist materials in McInerney’s home.

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