Jocelyn Norton Murders Father

Jocelyn Norton was a fifteen year old teen killer from Arizona who would murder her father

According to court documents Jocelyn Norton and her boyfriend Daniel Stroh would plan the murders of her mother and father. Norton would steal her father’s gun and would give it to Stroh. Stroh would come into the home and shoot John Norton who was standing beside Jocelyn child and her thirteen year old sister

Jocelyn Norton and Daniel Stroh would then take the child and the sister with the plan to drive to Norton mother’s work and kill her however they would change their mind and threw the gun away in the desert

The next day Jocelyn Norton would call police and say that her boyfriend had stolen the gun and shot her father. Daniel Stroh would say that Jocelyn gave him an ultimatum saying if he did not shoot her father she would shoot him

Jocelyn Norton and Daniel Stroh would be arrested and convicted

Jocelyn Norton would be sentenced to twelve years in prison

Daniel Stroh would be sentenced to sixteen years

Jocelyn Norton Now

jocelyn norton now
Last Name First Name Middle Initial NORTON JOCELYNN
Gender Height (inches)Weight Hair Color FEMALE57 107 BROWN
Eye ColorE thnic Origin Custody ClassA dmission HAZEL CAUCASIAN Medium/Moderate 09/05/2019
Projected Eligible Release Date Prison Release Date Release Type 10/20/2029 SENTENCE EXPIRATION
Most Recent LocationAs of Date Complex UnitLast Movement Status PERRYVILLE ASPC-PV SANTA CRZ I 05/24/2022 ACTIVE

Jocelyn Norton Case

Judge Pamela Gates sentenced Tonopah teen Jocelyn Norton to 12 years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty to helping her boyfriend kill her father, according to Bryan Bouchard, a Superior Court of Arizona spokesman.

Norton, 17, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, attempted child abuse and tampering with evidence, according to court records.

In 2017, Norton and her boyfriend Daniel Stroh planned to kill Norton’s parents John Norton Sr. and Theresa Norton, according to court records. Jocelyn Norton hid her father’s gun so she could give it to her boyfriend.

After shooting John Norton, who was holding Jocelyn Norton’s baby and had her 13-year-old sister next to him, Jocelyn Norton and Stroh fled the scene, planning to go to Theresa Norton’s work to kill her. The two left the baby and the sister in the car.

Court records show that Jocelyn Norton and Stroh changed their plans and left the gun in the desert.

A day after the shooting, Jocelyn Norton called 911 and gave them a different story than what happened. She claimed that her ex-boyfriend killed her father after forcing his way into the home, according to court records.

Stroh told detectives Jocelyn Norton gave him an ultimatum: She would shoot herself if he didn’t shoot her father, according to court records.

Stroh, 23, was found guilty of second-degree murder and tampering with physical evidence in July. He is set to have a Rule 11 Hearing on Oct. 1, according to court records. Under Rule 11, a defendant has a right to a full mental examination and hearing if needed, according to Maricopa County Attorney’s Office.

Daniel Stroh Case

A Tonopah man has admitted to murdering the father of his teenage girlfriend in 2017.

Daniel Stroh, 24, pleaded guilty in court Thursday to second degree murder, attempted child abuse and tampering with physical evidence. He is scheduled to be sentenced Feb. 7.

His co-defendant, Jocelyn Norton,17, was sentenced in August to 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to second-degree murder, attempted child abuse and tampering with physical evidence.

According to court records, Jocelyn Norton and Stroh planned to kill her parents, John Norton, Sr. and Theresa Norton.

But Jocelyn Norton said that after Stroh killed her father, they changed plans and left the handgun in the desert.

Stroh’s lawyer, Chad Garner, stated in court records that police interrogated Stroh for more than four hours and did not read him his Miranda rights for nearly three hours.

Before his interrogation, Stroh’s grandmother told an officer that he had an intellectual disability, according to court records.

After Stroh was read his Miranda rights, an officer asked him if he understood. Stroh indicated he did not. The officer again read the rights to him, and Stroh said he understood, according to court records. However, Stroh immediately asked for a copy for better clarity.

His lawyer stated that if the case went to trial, they would argue that “he is highly suggestible, does not have a full understanding of the right to remain silent and may in fact change statements made based upon leading questions or interrogative pressure.”

Stroh’s counselor reported that Stroh has been assaulted at least twice while in jail because of his disability.

“Daniel is a vulnerable individual and any sentence received should he be found guilty at trial will definitely be harsher for Daniel than another inmate not similarity situated,” Garner stated in court records.
The shooting

Sometime before Oct. 23, 2017, Jocelyn Norton hid her father’s gun so she could give it to Stroh.

The two agreed on the location, time and day to kill Jocelyn Norton’s parents, according to court records. On the day of the shooting, Jocelyn Norton gave Stroh the gun and he hid in her house.

Jocelyn Norton was outside when her father came home. Jocelyn Norton’s 13-year-old sister was walking next to John Norton and he was carrying Stroh’s and Jocelyn Norton’s infant daughter.

According to court records, Stroh shot John Norton when he was in the kitchen. 

Stroh and Jocelyn Norton left the house with the baby and the sister in her father’s car. 

According to court records, Stroh and Jocelyn Norton were planning to go to Theresa Norton’s work to kill her. However, the two changed their plan and decided to leave the gun in the desert. 

Defense attorneys stated in court records that the two told law enforcement that another man killed John Norton. However, that man was in New Mexico at the time of the shooting.

Jocelyn Norton later told law enforcement that Stroh killed her father after Stroh forced his way into the house. She claimed Stroh started arguing with her before Stroh shot John Norton in the torso, according to court records.

She told the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office that John Norton told another boyfriend to stay away from her because the man was in his late 20s, according to court records.

Stroh told police that Norton gave him an ultimatum: If he did not shoot her father, she would shoot him herself, according to court records.

Defense attorneys stated in court records that Jocelyn Norton admitted to planning the shooting.

“If true, by her own admissions, Jocelyn directed Daniel’s actions from the inception of her plan to its completion,” Garner stated in records.

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