Anthony Ponticelli

Anthony Ponticelli Murders 2 In Florida

Anthony Ponticelli was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for a double murder

According to court documents Anthony Ponticelli would shoot and kill Nicholas and Ralph Grandinetti over a drug debt

Anthony Ponticelli would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Anthony Ponticelli Photos

Anthony Ponticelli

Anthony Ponticelli Now

DC Number:112967
Birth Date:04/19/1967
Initial Receipt Date:09/06/1988
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Anthony Ponticelli Case

Anthony Ponticelli owed Nick and Ralph Grandinetti money for cocaine so he hatched a plan to lure the brothers into a car to drive to a back road, away from their home, where he murdered them with a gun he had borrowed from a friend.   Ponticelli shot Ralph once in the head and Nick twice in the head and later abandoned them to die in the car.   Ralph died from the gunshot wound within one or two minutes of being shot.  

Nick was found a day later, curled up on the floorboard in the front of the car, covered in blood, gasping for air, and kicking his foot.   Nick felt pain until he became comatose, and later died from cardiac arrest secondary to the gunshot wounds.   In addition to his gunshot wounds, Nick suffered bruises to the back and side of his head, which were consistent with blunt force trauma, and a burn of his right ear.

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