Florida death row

On this page at Murder Database you will find all of the people who have been convicted of murder that have the last name starting with F. The names in italics are female

Murder Database – FA To FD

Ricky Fackrell

Nathaniel Fair

Barry Fairchild

Richard Fairchild

James Fairweather

Rebecca Falcon

John Falk

Christine Falling

Trameisha Farris

Troy Farris

Stanley Faulder

John Fautenberry

Michael Fay

Murder Database – FE To FH

John Fearance

Leroy Fears

Marylinn Feher

Wayne Felde

Sammie Felder

Douglas Feldman

Ellis Felker

Ralph Feltrop

Rebecca Fenton

Darrell Ferguson

Jeffrey Ferguson

John Ferguson

Thomas Ferguson

Jason Fernandes

Richard Fessler

Greg Fester

Kristina Fetters

Murder Database – FI to FN

Bobby Fields

Edward Fields

Samuel Fields

Sherman Fields

Magen Fieramusca

Clarisa Figueroa

Desiree Figueroa

James Filiaggi

Ron Finklea

Charles Finney

Robert Fisher

Willie Fisher

Edward Fitzgerald

John Fitzgerald

Ronald Fitzgerald

Stanley Fitzpatrick

Kyle Flack

William Flamer

Sean Flanagan

DH Fleenor

Andre Fletcher

Thomas Fletcher

Timothy Fletcher

Samuel Flippen

Robert Flor

Andrew Flores

Charles Flores

Miguel Flores

Paul Flores

Tanner Flores

Cedric Floyd

Christopher Floyd

Franklin Floyd

Ronald Fluke

Murder Database – FO To FQ

Robert Foley

Randan Fontaine

James Ford

Melbert Ford

Pernell Ford

Shawn Ford

Tony Ford

Shawna Forde

Bridget Forehand

Earl Forrest

Linwood Forte

Tommy Fortenberry

Charles Foster

Cleve Foster

Emmitt Foster

Jermaine Foster

Kenneth Foster

Kevin Foster

Richard Foster

Konstantinos Fotopoulos

Aaron Foust

Elrico Fowler

Mark Fowler

Billy Fox

Richard Fox

Bobby Francis

Carlton Francis

Anthony Francois

Marvin Francois

Antoinette Frank

Antonio Franklin

Donald Franklin

Joseph Franklin

David Franks

Leonardo Franqui

Robert Fratta

Toni Fratto

Demetrius Frazier

Derrick Frazier

Helen Frazier

Darrell Frederick

Earl Frederick

James Free

David Freeman

James Freeman

John Freeman

Ray Freeney

Eric Frein

Ellen Friar

Danny Frogge

Terry Froman

Clarence Fry

Tony Fry

Ronald Frye

Kaleigh Fryer

Murder Database – FU To FZ

Aiden Fucci

Anthony Fuentes

Wallace Fugate

Chadrick Fulks

Aaron Fuller

Barney Fuller

Justin Fuller

Tyrone Fuller

Rachel Fulstow

Kenneth Fults

David Funchess

Fred Furnish

Tatiana Fusari

Ronnie Fuston