Florida death row

On this page at Murder Database you will find all of the people who have been convicted of murder that have the last name starting with P. The names in italics are female

Murder Database – PA TO PD

Nathan Paape

Bruce Pace

Lyndon Pace

Miguel Padilla

Stephen Paddock

Elijah Paige

Donald Palmer

Timothy Palmes

Jennifer Pan

Darrel Pandeli

Christine Paolilla

Manuel Pardo Jr

Miguel Paredes

Byron Parker

Carlette Parker

John Forrest Parker

Johnny Parker

Taylor Parker

William Parker

Robyn Parks

Carroll Parr

Kenneth Parr

Michael Parrish

Shyanne Parrott

Joseph Parsons

Michael Passaro

James Paster

Maleke Pate

Jessie Patrick

Kody Patten

Isiah Patterson

James Patterson

Kelsey Patterson

Maurice Patterson

Toronto Patterson

Eric Patton

James Pavatt

Eric Payne

Christopher Payne

Hannah Payne

Max Payne

Pervis Payne

Murder Database – PE TO PH

Robert Peede

Sarah Jo Pender

Steven Pennell

Michael Pennington

John Peoples

Cuhuatemoc Peraita

Albert Perez

Efrain Perez

Kerry Perez

Louis Perez

Robert Perez

Reginald Perkins

Roy Perkins

Sammy Perkins

Bruce Perritt

Eugene Perry

Michael Perry

Daniel Peterka

Randy Petersilage

Derick Peterson

Lawrence Peterson

Ryan Petersen

Daniel Petric

Steven Petric

Lenard Philmore

Bobby Phillips

Clifford Phillips

Harry Phillips

Jessie Phillips

Joshua Phillips

Mario Phillips

Ronald Phillips

Murder Database – PI TO PN

Edward Pickens

Mark Pickens

Robert Pickton

Michael Pierce

Norberto Pietri

Christa Pike

Brittany Pilkington

Jay Pinkerton

Briley Piper

Jordan Piper

Roy Pippen

Gerald Pizzuto

Joanna Plants

Marilyn Plantz

Christopher Plaskon

John Plath

Murder Database – PO TO PT

Michael Poland

Patrick Poland

Alexander Polke

Willie Pondexter

Matthew Ponomarenko

Anthony Ponticelli

Mark Poole

Carlton Pope

Thomas Pope

Richard Poplawski

Henry Porter

James Porter

Thomas Porter

Gilbert Postelle

David Powell

Eddie Powell

James Powell

Michael Powell

Paul Powell

Reginald Powell

Sydney Powell

Wayne Powell

William Powell

Gerald Powers

Syvasky Poyner

Chacey Poynter

Robert Poyson

Arnold Prieto

Dalton Prejean

Emma Presler

Virgil Presnell

Heather Pressdee

Ted Prevatte

Jeffery Prevost

TaiChin Preyor

Ronald Prible

Christopher Price

Craig Price

Connor Pridgen

Nicola Priest

Alfredo Prieto

Wayne Prince

Seth Privacky

Skylar Prockner

Thomas Provenzano

David Pruett

Marion Pruett

Robert Pruett

Corino Pruitt

Michael Pruitt

Joseph Prystash

Murder Database – PU TO PZ

Larry Puckett

Marty Puccio

Dorothea Puente

Carl Puiatti

Wesley Purkey

Gareth Pursehouse

Lonnie Pursley

William Putman

Willie Pye

Johnny Pyles